Saturday, May 8, 2021

Grand Sumo Results--with relevant links to articles and video highlights--May (Natsu)--May 9-23, 2021

Video links to all 279 full match videos, as well as full live coverage of selected matches on Day 1, Day 8 and Day 15 (available until June 7).(NHK) has archived its complete coverage of the last four Basho (November 2020, January-May 2021. Note that at this time (May 23, 2021), the May 2021 archives are not on the list on the page, but are available from the "Tournament Archives" link on the navigation bar at the top of the page. This is an excellent way to follow the entire tournament or specific Days, without having to scroll through numerous articles. 

Chris Sumo Youtube videos page and Playlists

For the new Sumo fan, Chris Sumo Youtube videos are essential to understand the action that you are watching. He provides video coverage personally shot from the venue. For the May Basho he provides a daily video report (beginning with Day 4, when crowds were re-admitted) to the end, and beyond. You can follow this coverage at the "video" page of the channel. Exhaustive coverage is also available for previous tournaments, via the Playlist page. Playlists are available, at present (May 23, 2020) for March 2020, and all Basho from November 2020-March 2021. Hopefully, in the near future, he will incorporate his work on the May Basho into a Playlist as well.

Leader Board Day by Day from beginning to end in one click. 

Sumo Forum Day by Day Lower Division (Division 3 [Makushita], 4 [Sandanme], 5 [Jonidan], and 6 [Jonokuchi]) Standings from Day 6-15. Note: These are 7 match Tournaments in which Rikishi fight every other day.

Sumo Forum Day by Day cumulative Kensho report. Kensho are the envelopes received by Top Division Rikishi for winning matches that are monetarily sponsored by various organizations. For more information on  Kensho, see below. This prize money is in addition prize money for winning the Tournament or Special Prizes.

Winners of the other Divisions

Jk27e Fujiseiun (7-0) defeated Jk27w Suguro (7-0) in a playoff: YUSHO
Jd35w Senho (7-0) YUSHO

Sd100TD Ishizaki (7-0) defeated Sd35w Kotodaigo (7-0) in a playoff: YUSHO
Ms7e Abi (7-0) YUSHO

J2w Ura (12-3) YUSHO 
J2w Ura defeated Bushozan (J14e) (10-5) while Takakento (J11w) (10-5) defeated Chiyonoo (J2e) (11-4)
Match video of Ura's win (Chris Sumo Youtube)


Link to November and September 2020 Basho Blog Post

Link to March 2021 Basho Blog Post

Link to July 2021 Basho Post 

Link to NHK (Japanese TV--in English) short highlights (about 5 minutes each) of the last six Basho (Tournaments) going back to January 2020 


Grand Sumo Results, standings, match articles, photos, videos of all matches, match analyses for the May (Natsu) Basho, (May 9-23, 2021).   

Note: to the best of my knowledge, the daily NHK videos should be available on demand throughout the Basho and for a short period (about two weeks) thereafter. Then they will be removed from the NHK website.

For background on my interest in  Sumo and the reason for the blog, see the "What is this about?" page, linked from the right side of the page (or spin from "home" to it on a mobile device, then spin back to "home" for the blog.

For a list of selected "Essential Links" for the New Sumo fan, see the "Essential links" page on the right side of the blog)

Note: Source for all Rikishi (wrestler) links, unless otherwise specifically stated, is Sumo Reference, which is, without question, the most exhaustive, time encompassing (back to the mid-18th Century), freely available, and easy to use interconnected sports database I have seen. The amount of information contained is staggering.

Note: All articles linked to below, unless otherwise specifically stated, are in English. All articles are in Japanese. For some quotes, I have used Google Tanslate for English translations. The translations are "primitive" (the nicest adjective I can think of, but the best I can do). For real English translations of Rikishi quotes, I would recommend Chris Sumo Youtube.

Note: On mobile devices, the tables will line up better in landscape mode. Use that or reader view landscape for best results.


The May (Natsu) Basho (Tournament) (one of 6 annual Basho, held in the odd numbered months), is contested at Tokyo's Ryōgoku Kokugikan (1)(2) (source: Wikipedia). The 15 day Makuuchi (Top Divison--salaried) and Juryo (2nd Division--salaried) Basho usually  have 21 and 14 matches per day respectively. Due to the retirement of Yokozuna Kakuryu and the late pull out of  Ryuden--Pandemic concerns, this Makuuchi  Basho will begin with 19 matches per day. The other 4 divisions (Makushita, Sandanme, Jonidan, and Jonukuchi--all non salaried) will each have 7 match Basho. Be sure to follow the Japanese Sumo Association's Absentee information, which covers injury and other related absences. There are links to it also under each day's results links.

Complete Banzuke (rankings for  this Tournament, along with other relevant links) can be found at Sumo Reference (all 6 divisions--abbreviated) and the Japanese Sumo Association(all 6 divisions--the JSA link is only to the current Basho)--click on any Rikishi name and you will find a complete accounting of their performances in the present, as well as the last 5 Basho before this one. Note for dimensions: Kilograms*2.2=pounds. Centimeters*.394=inches). There is also a Banzuke produced by the Japan Times.

In addition, Fred Pinkerton keeps up a graphic "rolling Banzuke" with connecting horizontal lines angling up or down for each Rikishi over the course of the last 3 Basho.

January--March--May 2021

July--September--November 2020

The last 15 Tournaments (November 2017--May 2020) (.pdf format, 1p.) Increase the size and you won't lose the definition. 

I cannot give higher praise to a graphic representation than to say that this is the "Minard Map" of Sumo ranking. More on the Minard map can be found here.


Note: Y(okozuna); O(zeki); S(ekiwaki); and K(omusubi) are Top Ranked Rikishi (in the order listed). Also known as san'yaku (Wikipedia)

Glossary of finishing moves  (Kimarite): (Wikimedia)

For Video demonstrations of all major (and some not so major) Kamarite (finishing moves), see the excellent NHK video Primer: The Techniques of Sumo. Techniques are arranged by major category. Note that all finishing moves below are linked to a video demonstrating the move. 

Something that may puzzle new fans to the sport are the envelopes that the Referee (Gyoji) presents to winning Rikishi after a match. This is prize money put up by sponsors for that particular bout. Banners are carried around the dohyo (ring) advertising the sponsor's product. The winner gets all the Rikishi share of the money. For more on how this works, see this Japan Times article by John Gunning.

For more on "envelope" accounting for the September 2020  Basho see the article at "Aki Kensho Summary". The Twitter link in the article links directly (see to a spreadsheet that details envelopes won on each day of the Basho.  Note that the higher ranked the Rikishi is, the more envelopes he usually receives

The prize for winning the Tournament is about 10 million yen (about 92,000 USD at the moment). Base salary for Top Tier Rikishi is about 8,800 USD per month.

More on Chamionship Prizes (NHK Sumpedia Video)

More on Prize Money (NHK Sumopedia Video)

For over 50 more short videos (1-2 minutes) see the NHK Sumopedia Library, the best and most entertaining way for the neophyte to learn various aspects about the sport, from ritual to strategy and tactics. 

Stable (Beya) Guide (Japanese Sumo Association (in English)
Note that Makuuchi (Top Division) Rikishi do not usually fight stablemates in Basho.

Note that, as all things with Sumo, there are deeper layers to dive into. Stables are parts of groups of stables, just like galaxies are parts of super galaxies. These are called Ichimon. According to Wikipedia Glossary of terms  ichimon  "tend to cooperate closely on inter-stable training and the occasional transfer of personnel. There are, at present (2020) 44 stables. There are 5 Ichimon.
For more information, including a listing of stables in each Ichimon and how long those stables have been in existence, see the Introduction to the March (Haru) Basho Blog

To follow the May (Natsu) Basho chronologically, read from the bottom up. 



NHK Video Preview (available on demand for a limited time--usually until shortly after the Basho ends)  (25:00)



San'yaku (Top Rank)

Y=Yokozuna (highest rank); 
O=Ozeki (2nd rank); 
S=Sekiwake (3rd Rank); 
K=Komusubi (4th rank)--it's a little more complex than this, but for now let's leave it be. That is how it is generally understood. These are the "top rank" rikishi.

Rank and Filers

M=Maegashira (Ranked from 18 up to 1)--whenever any of these beats a Y it is called a Kinboshi (Gold Star Win).

e=East technically 1/2 rank above w=West 

There are four Ozeki (Asanoyama (O1e), Takakeisho (O1w), Shodai (O2w), and (Terunofuji (O2w)); two Sekiwake (Takanosho (S1e) and Takayasu (S1w)) ; and two Komusubi (Mitakeumi (K1e), and Daieisho (K1w)) in the Basho. More information about all of them is linked to below. Note that Shodai (O2w) is "Kadoban" in this Basho, meaning that he must compile a winning  record (8-7 or better) or he will lose his Ozeki status.

The 38 (Banzuke) contestants' nation of origin:

Japan: 30
Mongolia: 6
Georgia: 1
Brazil: 1

Text Only Banzuke for Makuuchi  (Hatsu) 2021 Basho

Hatsu 2021
Tokyo, Ryōgoku Kokugikan

*=Promoted from Juryo (2nd Division)
#=Kadoban--must have winning record this Basho (8-7 or better) to retain Ozeki Rank)
!=Newly promoted Ozeki
xx=Dropped out of Basho before it started due to injury or health concerns

R=Rookie (1st Makuuchi Tournament) Note: there are no Rookies in this Tournament

Source for all except height and weight: Sumo Reference
Source for height and weight: Japan Sumo Association

Note: Centimeters to Inches *.394; Kilograms to Pounds *2.205

Height Conversion

175cm=5'9'; 180cm=5'11''; 185cm=6'1"; 190cm=6'3"; 195cm=6'5" 

Weight Conversion

90.7kg=200lb; 113.4kg=250lb; 136kg=300lb; 158.8 kg=350lb; 181.4kg=400lb 

Rank  Ring Name   Nation/    Stable      d/m/y DOB     H    W
                 Prefecture                           cent. KG

Y1e  Hakuhoxx     Mongolia  Miyagino    11.03.1985    192   158

O1e  Asanoyama    Toyama    Takasago    01.03.1994    186   174
O1w  Takakeisho   Hyogo     Chiganoura  05.08.1996    175   166
O2e  Shodai#      Kumamoto  Tokitsukaze 05.11.1991    184   168
O2w  TerunofujiMongolia  Isegahama   29.11.1991    192   177

S1e  Takayasu     Ibaraki   Tagonoura   28.02.1990    187   175
S1w  Takanosho    Chiba     Chiganoura  14.11.1994    184   164

K1e  Mitakeumi    Nagano    Dewanoumi   25.12.1992    180   169
K1w  Daieisho     Saitama   Oitekaze    10.11.1993    182   164


M1e  Wakatakakage Fukushima Arashio     06.12.1994    182   127
M1w  Hokutofuji   Saitama   Hakkaku     15.07.1992    185   168
M2e  Meisei       Kagoshima Tatsunami   24.07.1995    180   151
M2w  Tobizaru     Tokyo     Oitekaze    24.04.1992    175   134
M3e  Aoiyamaxx    Bulgaria  Kasugano    19.06.1986    191   188
M3w  Chiyonokuni  Mie       Kokonoe     07.10.1990    181   147
M4e  Kiribayama   Mongolia  Michinoku   24.04.1996    185   137
M4w  Myogiryu     Hyogo     Sakaigawa   22.10.1986    187   154
M5e  Hoshoryu     Mongolia  Tatsunami   22.05.1999    186   131
M5w  Onosho       Aomori    Onomatsu    04.07.1996    178   155
M6e  Hidenoumi    Tokyo     Kise        11.06.1989    186   159
M6w  Ichinojo     Mongolia  Minato      07.04.1993    192   200
M7e  Tochinoshin  Georgia   Kasugano    13.10.1987    191   177
M7w  Takarafuji   Aomori    Isegahama   18.02.1987    185   168
M8e  Tsurugisho   Tokyo     Oitekaze    27.07.1991    182   190
M8w  Endo         Ishikawa  Oitekaze    19.10.1990    184   149
M9e  Shimanoumi   Mie       Kise        11.07.1989    179   151
M9w  Kagayaki     Ishikawa  Takadagawa  01.06.1994    193   154
M10e Tamawashi    Mongolia  Kataonami   16.11.1984    190   173
M10w Terutsuyoshi Hyogo     Isegahama   17.01.1995    169   117
M11e Kotonowaka   Chiba     Sadogatake  19.11.1997    188   167
M11w Chiyoshoma   Mongolia  Kokonoe     20.07.1991    183   137
M12e Kotoeko      Miyazaki  Sadogatake  20.11.1991    177   135
M12w Okinoumi     Shimane   Hakkaku     29.07.1985    191   158
M13e Akiseyama    Aichi     Kise        18.07.1985    182   181
M13w Daiamami     Kagoshima Oitekaze    15.12.1992    184   182
M14e Ryudenxx     Yamanashi Takadagawa  10.11.1990    189   150
M14w Chiyotairyu  Tokyo     Kokonoe     14.11.1988    181   185
M15e Kaisei       Brazil    Tomozuna    18.12.1986    195   190
M15e Midorifujixx Shizuoka  Isegahama   30.08.1996    171   117
M16e Ishiura*     Tottori   Miyagino    10.01.1990    175   121
M16w Chiyomaru*   Kagoshima Kokonoe     17.04.1991    177   185
M17e Akua*        Ibaraki   Tatsunami   06.11.1990    182   164


NHK "Match of the Day" (Video)
NHK video of a Match of the Day. The video changes and is not archived from Day to Day. But the match is always available via the daily NHK Highlights, until about 2 weeks after the Basho


Day 15--May 23, 2021--Senshūraku

Video: Note: NHK videos will be available on demand until 2 weeks after the end of the Basho. After that, they will be removed from the site. They are usually available for on demand viewing about 1 day after the matches.

Note: If the link doesn't work, it means that the video has not been uploaded from NHK yet. NHK usually releases the most recent video at between 2:00 and 2:30 pm the following day local time. To find out what time that is for you consult I am going to template this from here on  for ease of entry.

Chris Sumo Youtube (filmed from the venue) 


Yusho Winner: Terunofuji (O2w) defeated Takakeisho (O1w) in a playoff after losing the final match of the day to him. It was Terunofuji's 4th Makuuchi Yusho (second consecutive). He is the first Rikishi in the modern era (1959-present) who has lost Ozeki ranking, regained it, and won a Yusho directly after the comeback. Should he win in July, he will almost certainly become the 73rd Yokozuna since the mid 17th Century, and the first since 2017.

It all came down to the last 2 matches. Shodai (O2e) ended Endo's (M8w) bid with a fairly easy victory, even though Endo did what he wanted to do strategically. Then there were 2.

In a surprising, almost shocking match, it was all over in an eye blink with a lightening Takakeisho thrust down. Terunofuji had just a few minutes to absorb the shock and then come back for the rematch. See the details in the and Chris Sumo Youtube explanations, but suffice it to say, Terunofuji made an adjustment and kept away from Takakeisho. He patiently waited for an opening and when it came, he didn't miss out. With the win, Terunofuji was able to finally wipe out the bad taste of the two playoff's he has lost (in 2017 to Yokozuna Kisenosato--he lost the final match and the playoff--and last November when he won the final match but then lost the playoff to Takakeisho--see below under Day 14 for a link to the video of the November matches).

The long climb from 5th Division, non salaried Jonidan, where Teranofuji was exiled after knee injuries and illness that caused him to miss 105 matches, and go from a pre-injury O1e record in his previous 2 basho of 25-5 with 2 Jun-Yusho (2nd Place Finishes), to 8-38 in the matches he participated in, has culminated in a "Yokozuna run." What an amazing story.

Terunofuji's Basho

Terunofuji's "Linescore"

11-0; 11-1; 12-1; 12-3: Won Playoff

Takakeisho's "Linescore"

1-0; 1-1; 7-1; 7-2; 10-2; 10-3; 12-3; Lost Playoff

Endo's "Linescore"

2-0; 2-1; 4-1; 4-2; 9-2; 9-3; 11-3; 11-4 

Terunofuji's Finishing moves

Winning: (12) 

Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)...............6
Slap Down (Hatakikomi).....................2
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi)..........1
Rear Push Out (Okuridashi).................1
Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)...............1
Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage).................1

Losing (3)

Disqualification (Honsoku).................1
Under Arm Throw (Shitatenage)..............1
Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi)..................1

Match time

Total time of matches: 2 minutes, 2.8 seconds (122.8 s)
Longest match: 17.6 seconds v Takayasu
Shortest match: 1.7 seconds v Takakeisho
Average time: 8.2 seconds
Median time: 6.2 seconds


0-4.9 seconds:   2
5-9.9 seconds:   9
10-19.9 seconds: 4


Day 15


Y1e---Hakuho      (0-0-15)
M3e---Aioyama     (4-3--8) Returned Day 9
M14e--Ryuden      (0-0-15)
M15w--Midorifuji  (0-0-15)
M3w---Chiyonokuni (0-4--11)
M13e--Akiseyama   (1-7--7)
O1e---Asanoyama   (7-5--3)

Condensed results (19 matches)

13.3s M16e Ishiura (7-8)      shitatehineri M11e Kotonowaka (7-8)
17.6s M13w Daiamami (7-8)     tsukiotoshi   M9w  Kagayaki (6-9)
02.7s M11w Chiyoshoma (8-7)   yorikiri      M9e  Shimanoumi (7-8)
13.1s M7w  Takarafuji (7-8)   oshidashi     M16w Chiyomaru (8-7)
13.3s M15e Kaisei (9-6)       yorikiri      M7e  Tochinoshin (5-10)
33.4s M17e Akua (5-10)        kakenage      M6e  Hidenoumi (5-10)
00.5s M14w Chiyotairyu (10-5) hatakikomi    M5w  Onosho (7-8)
14.7s M4e  Kiribayama (6-9)   yorikiri      M8e  Tsurugisho (4-11)
11.7s M10w Terutsuyoshi (7-8) shitatenage   M3e  Aoiyama (4-3-8)

11.4s M5e  Hoshoryu (7-8)     yoritaoshi    M2w  Tobizaru (5-10)
02.4s M12w Okinoumi (9-6)     kotenage      M2e  Meisei (8-7)
02.4s M10e Tamawashi (7-8)    oshidashi     M1w  Hokutofuji (6-9)
02.8s M12e Kotoeko (9-6)      hikiotoshi    M1e  Wakatakakage (9-6)
03.5s K1w  Daieisho (6-9)     tsukidashi    M4w  Myogiryu (6-9)
09.1s K1e  Mitakeumi (10-5)   oshidashi     M6w  Ichinojo (9-6)
47.9s S1w  Takanosho (5-10)   hatakikomi    S1e  Takayasu (10-5)
05.2s O2e  Shodai (9-6)       oshidashi     M8w  Endo (11-4)
01.7s O1w  Takakeisho (12-3)  tsukiotoshi   O2w  Terunofuji (12-3)


Terunofuji defeated Takakeisho by hatakikomi (no time available)


Finishing Moves (18 matches-279 matches) Note: finishing move links below link to short NHK videos demonstrating the technique. 

Source for all finishing moves data is Sumo Reference bout query. Note: divide all totals at SR by 2 for the actual number of finishing moves per match per day and cumulative.

Note: Sumo Reference does not count the kimarite that won the playoff. Nikkan Sports did not supply the time of that match. From this I surmise that playoff statistics are not included in the official Basho statistics. So I will calculate it that way as well.

Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)...............4--67
Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)...............3--65
Slap Down (Hatakikomi).....................2--26
Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi)..................2--19
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)................1--11
Hooking Inner Thigh Throw (Kakenage).......1---2
Arm Lock Throw (Kotenage)..................1---7
Twisting Underarm Throw (Shitatehineri)....1---2
Under Arm Throw (Shitatenage)..............1---3
Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)............1---6
Frontal Crush Out (Yoritaoshi).............1--10

Out 11(153), Down 7(107), Disqualification 0(1)   

Frontal 9(149), Rear 0(14) 

Push 4(87), Throw 4(43), Force 3(69), Thrust 3(27), Slap 2(26), Crush 1(10), Pull 1(11), Pick 0(1), 
Swing 0(1), Trip 0(2), Touch 0(1), 
Disqualification 0(1)  
Under 1(7), Over 0(12)  

Arm 3(41), Hand 1(10), Thigh 1(2) Knee 0(1), Leg 0(3), Shoulder 0(1) 

Totals for Basho--None Today; Total

Rear Push Out (Okuridashi)................12
Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage)................12
Pulling Over Arm Throw (Uwatedashinage)....7
Frontal Push Down (Oshitaoshi).............6
Beltless Arm Throw (Sukuinage).............6
Pulling Under Arm Throw (Shitatedashinage).4
Backward Force Down (Abisetaoshi)..........2
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi)..........2
Rear Push Down (Okuritaoshi)...............2
Frontal Thrust Down (Tsukitaoshi)..........2
Leg Pick (Ashitori)........................1
Disqualification (Honsoku).................1
Under Shoulder Swing Down (Katasukashi)....1
Outside Leg Trip (Sotogake)................1
Inside Leg Trip (Uchigake).................1

Non-Technique (Losing move)

Knee Touch Down (Tsukihiza) Akua (M17e)....1

fusen (forfeit)............................3


Cumulative Totals for the Basho

Key: Finishing Move; May #--March # 

Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)...............67--58
Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)...............65--75
Slap Down (Hatakikomi).....................26--18
Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi)..................19--20
Rear Push Out (Okuridashi).................12---9
Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage).................12--11
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)................11---8
Frontal Crush Out (Yoritaoshi).............10--12
Arm Lock Throw (Kotenage)...................7---8
Pulling Over Arm Throw (Uwatedashinage).....7---3
Frontal Push Down (Oshitaoshi)..............6--15
Beltless Arm Throw (Sukuinage)..............6---8
Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi).............6--12
Pulling Under Arm Throw (Shitatedashinage)..4---1
Under Arm Throw (Shitatenage)...............3---9
Backward Force Down (Abisetaoshi)...........2---1
Hooking Inner Thigh Throw (Kakenage)........2---1
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi)...........2---5
Rear Push Down (Okuritaoshi)................2---3
Twisting Underarm Throw (Shitatehineri).....2---0
Frontal Thrust Down (Tsukitaoshi)...........2---1
Leg Pick (Ashitori).........................1---0
Disqualification (Honsoku)..................1---0
Under Shoulder Swing Down (Katasukashi).....1---4
Outside Leg Trip (Sotogake).................1---1
Inside Leg Trip (Uchigake)..................1---1

Arm Bar Throw (Tottari).....................0---2
Two Handed Arm Twist Down (Kainhahineri)....0---1
Over Thigh Scooping Body Drop (Komatasukui).0---1
Head Twisting Throw (Kubihineri)............0---1
Twist Down (Makiotoshi).....................0---1
Rear Pull Down (Okurihikiotoshi)............0---1
Frontal Lift Out (Tsuridashi)...............0---1
Twisting Over Arm Throw (Uwatehineri).......0---1

Non-Technique (Losing move)

Knee Touch Down (Tsukihiza).................1---0
Forward Step out (Isamiashi)................0---2

fusen (forfeit).............................3---5


Match Time

Day 15--18 matches

Total Time: 3 minutes, 26.7 seconds  (206.7 s)        
Longest Match: 47.9 s (Takanosho(2) v Takayasu[3])
Shortest Match: 0.5 s (Chiyotairyu v Onosho[5])  
Average (18 matches): 11.5  s 

May Basho: Cumulative--279 matches 

Total Time: 49 minutes, 22.6 seconds (2962.6 s)
Longest Match: Day 8: 145.8 s (2 minutes, 25.8 s) (Takayasu v Kiribayama)
Shortest Match:  0.5 s:  Day 12: (Hokutofuji v Daieisho); Day 15: (Chiyotairyu v Onosho) 
Average Time: 10.6 s

March Basho--January Basho 

Cumulative (295 matches--265 matches) 
Total Time: 56 minutes, 0.6 seconds--51 minutes, 47.0 seconds
Longest Match--March only: 176.9 s (2 minutes, 56.9 s) (Day 7) (Takayasu v 
Shortest Match--March only 0.5 seconds (Day 1) (Midorifuji v Hoshoryu)
Average Match: 11.4 seconds--11.7  seconds 

Time (seconds)/Matches (Day 15)(cumulative)

0-4.9:       7(98)
5-9.9:       2(93)
10-19.9:     7(57)
20-29.9:     0(17)
30-39.9:     1 (5)
40-49.9:     1 (3)
50-59.9:     0 (4)
110-119.9:   0 (1)
140-149.9:   0 (1)

Cumulative Match Time for the last three Basho: For sources, etc. see the note below the tables.


Time/Matches Total (279 matches--295 matches--265 matches)

                      May        March    January

0-4.9 seconds:      98(.351)--107(.363)--84(.317)
5-9.9 seconds:      93(.333)---91(.308)--96(.362)
10-19.9 seconds:    57(.204)---63(.214)--58(.219)
20-29.9 seconds:    17(.061)---19(.064)--13(.049)
30-39.9 seconds:     5(.017)----6(.020)---4(.035)
40-49.9 seconds:     3(.011)----2(.007)---1(.004)
50-59.9 seconds:     4(.014)----1(.003)---3(.011)
60-69.9 seconds:     0----------3(.010)---1(.004)
90-99.9 seconds      0----------0---------2(.008)
110-119.9 seconds:   1(.004)----0---------0
130-139.0 seconds:   0----------0---------1(.004)
140-149.9 seconds:   1(.004)----1(.003)---1(.004)
150-159.9 seconds:   0----------1(.003)---0
160.0-169.9 seconds: 0----------0---------1(.004)
170-179.9 seconds:   0----------1(.003)---0

Match time information is archived Honbasho Talk Forum at Sumo Forum. (See Bout Length and scroll the Forum for previous Basho).


Kachi-koshi/Make-koshi (8 or more wins--promotion in rank/8 or more losses--demotion)

Key: Basho Day on which the minimum record was achieved; Rikishi; Rank; Current Record

*=Promoted from Juryo after the March 2021 Basho


Day 8: Terunofuji (O2w) 12-3
Day 10: Takakeisho (O1w) 12-3; Endo (M8w) 11-4
Day 11: Ichinojo (M6w) 9-6; Okinoumi (M12w) 9-6
Day 12: Chiyotairu (M14w) 10-5

Day 13: Shodai (O2e) 9-6; Mitakeumi (K1e) 10-5; Wakatakakage (M1e) 9-6; Chiyomaru* (M16w) 8-7

Day 14: Meisei (M2e) 8-7; Kotoeko (M12e) 9-6; Kaisei (M15e) 9-6
Day 15: Chiyoshoma (M11w)8-7

Day 9: Chiyonokuni (M3w) 0-4--11; Tobizaru (M2w) 5-9; 
Akiseyama (M13e)  1-7--6; Aoiyama (M3e) 4-3--8

Day 10: Kiribayama (M4e) 6-9 
Day 11: Tochinoshin (M7e) 5-10 

Day 12: Asanoyama (O1e) 7-5-3; Takanosho (S1w) 5-10; Daieisho (K1w) 6-9; Tsurugisho (M8e) 4-11; Akua* (M17e) 5-10

Day 13: Hokutofuji (M1w) 6-9; Myogiryu (M4w) 6-9; Hidenoumi (M6e) 5-10; Ishiura* (M16e) 7-8

Day 14: Hoshoryu (M5e) 7-8; Takarafuji (M7w) 7-8; Kagayaki (M9w) 6-9; Tamawashi (M10e) 7-8; Terutsuyoshi (M10w) 7-8; Daiamami (M13w) 7-8

Day 15: Onosho (M5w) 7-8; Shimanoumi (M9w) 7-8; Kotonowaka (M11e) 7-8


Top Rank Wins
Maegashira v san'yaku
Juryo Substitute Results and Standings

Top Rank Wins (Through Day 15)

Takakeisho (O1w) 12-3; Terunofuji (O2w) 12-3  

Takayasu (S1e) 10 (including 1 forfeit win)-5; Mitakeumi (K1e) 10-5  
Shodai (O2e) 9-6 

Daieisho (K1w) 6 (including 1 forfeit win)-9

Takanosho (S1w) 5-10 

Asanoyama (O1e) 7-5 (including 1 forfeit loss)-3

Day 15: 71-46-3 (.607)     
Day 14: 66-44-3 (.600)

Maegashira v san'yaku 

&=Myogiru was credited with a win over Terunofuji (O2w) due to disqualification

Through Day 15

Endo         (M8w) 2-1
Wakatakakage (M1e) 5-3
Hokutofuji   (M1w) 4-4
Hoshoryu     (M5e) 3-3
Meisei       (M2e) 3-5
Ichinojo     (M6w) 1-2
Myogiryu&    (M4w) 2-5
Tobizaru     (M2w) 1-5
Kiribayama   (M4e) 1-7
Chiyonokuni  (M3w) 0-4 (including 1 forfeit)
Onosho       (M5w) 0-6 

Total through Day 15: 22-45 (.328)
Total through Day 14: 22-42 (.344)

Juryo substitutes

Chiyonokuni (M3w) (0-4) dropped out of the Basho on Day 4 due to a knee injury. Akiseyama (M13e) (1-7) dropped out of the Basho on Day 8 due to jaw injury. Aioyama, who had not participated in the Basho due to injury, returned to action on Day 9. Asanoyama (O1e) was suspended from the Tournament after Day 11 for breaking covid restrictions.  Asanoyama forfeit his Day 12 match v Takayasu (S1e). For Day 13-15, there will be 36 Rikishi available so the assumption is that there will be 18 matches and no Juryo substitutes for the last three days of the Basho. 

Day 5: Enho (J1e) (1-0; 1-4) defeated Akua (M17e) (1-4)
Day 6: Chiyomaru (M16w) (4-2) defeated Tokushoryu (J2e) (0-1; 4-2)
Day 7: Chiyonoo (J1w) (1-0; 5-2) defeated Ishiura M16e (4-3)
Day 8: Ura (J2w) (1-0; 7-1) defeated Kaisei (M15e) (4-4)
Day 9: Chiyotairyu (M14w) (7-2) defeated Hakuyozan J3e (0-1; 4-5)
Day 10: Akua (M17e) (4-6) defeated Azumaryu (J3w) (0-1; 3-7)
Day 11: Enho (J1e) (2-0; 1-4; 4-7) defeated Chiyomaru (M16w) (6-5)
Day 12: Tokoshoryu (J2e) (1-1; 4-2; 8-4) defeated Ishiura (M16e) (5-7)  

Enho       (J1e) (2-0); (1-4; 4-7)
Chiyonoo   (J1w) (1-0); (5-2)
Ura        (J2w) (1-0); (7-1)
Tokushoryu (J2e) (1-1); (4-2; 8-4)
Hakuyozan  (J3e) (0-1); (4-5)
Azumaryu   (J3w) (0-1); (3-7)

Total Day 12: 5-3 (.625)
Total Day 11: 4-3 (.571)



Day 15: May 23: (Sumo Reference)--includes Standings--see left side of the page

Day 15: (Japanese Sumo Association) (click on rikishi name for relevant data including percentage of each Kimarite (finishing) move used, rank and full results of last 5 tournaments, all on one page)

Day 15 Time of Each Match: ( (in Japanese,use Google Translate) Matches are in order from lowest rank to highest. 

Absent rikishi information (Japanese Sumo Association)

--- carries the most exhaustive coverage of Sumo that I have seen. It publishes multiple daily articles about the Basho.

All coverage is in Japanese and can be accessed from the Nikkansports Sumo Wrestling News Page. It can be easily (if not well) translated by Google Translate, which can be easily attached to your browser for seamless "translation." It is the next best thing to being able to read Japanese.
Google Translate (directly or in a separate window/tab)



Nikkan Sports Day 15 Photo FeatureThere are photos today's Makuuchi matches, with selected Rikishi quotes.


Day 14--May 22, 2021

Video: Note: NHK videos will be available on demand until 2 weeks after the end of the Basho. After that, they will be removed from the site. They are usually available for on demand viewing about 1 day after the matches.

Note: If the link doesn't work, it means that the video has not been uploaded from NHK yet. NHK usually releases the most recent video at between 2:00 and 2:30 pm the following day local time. To find out what time that is for you consult I am going to template this from here on  for ease of entry.

Chris Sumo Youtube (filmed from the venue) 



And so this Basho, which was so "under control", so surely Terunofugi's (O2w) from start to finish, is...suddenly...not. Early in the Basho it was Wakatakage (M1e) who was beating Ozeki. On Day 2 and 3 (see below) he defeated two Ozeki. Now, at the end of the Basho it is Endo (M8w) who has, in two days, brilliantly defeated the two Ozeki above him. Yesterday he disintegrated and then re-integrated just in time to help belly flop Takakeisho out. Today, while first throwing Terunofuji's timing off with an under arm attack, but then almost overpowered by the Ozeki, he managed an amazing shitatenage (under arm throw--only the second time such a move has been executed in the Basho), with the aid of a trip, all while being thrown down himself. The Ozeki clearly comes down first, but I had to look at the bout three times before realizing that the winning move was indeed Endo's, and not just Terunofuji coming down first while Endo was looking up at the roof. Endo knew that by the way he looked at the gyoji (referee--who then ruled Terunofuji the winner--leading to a very long mono-ii--judges conference) and his body language. And the Judges overturned the gyoji's call. 

Endo has turned this Basho on its head. Terunofuji still has his fate in his hands.  Endo needs to win over Shodai (O2e) and Takakeisho (O1w) to beat Terunofuji. That would result in a three way tie and playoff. Takakeisho simply needs to beat Terunofuji but certainly wouldn't mind a little help from Shodai, to keep the playoff more manageable. It really is amazing how quickly this Basho has come to life. And of course the two big matches will be the final matches tomorrow. Terunofuji and Takakeisho were in exactly this position last November. Takakeisho won that round after Terunofuji forced a playoff with one of the most dominating wins imaginable. Takakeisho came back and won the playoff. In January Terunofuji had a one match lead over Takakeisho going into the final day. Terunofuji won that round. 

For those who would like to refresh the memory, here are the two Chris Sumo Youtube videos that set the stage.

What will tomorrow bring?


Day 14


Y1e---Hakuho      (0-0-15)
M3e---Aioyama     (4-2--8) Returned Day 9
M14e--Ryuden      (0-0-15)
M15w--Midorifuji  (0-0-15)
M3w---Chiyonokuni (0-4--10)
M13e--Akiseyama   (1-7--6)
O1e---Asanoyama   (7-5--3)

Condensed results (18 matches)

02.4s M11w Chiyoshoma (7-7)   hatakikomi  M13w Daiamami (6-8)
14.7s M15e Kaisei (8-6)       yorikiri    M10w Terutsuyoshi (6-8)
07.3s M12e Kotoeko (8-6)      oshidashi   M9e  Shimanoumi (7-7)
01.0s M16e Ishiura (6-8)      uwatenage   M8e  Tsurugisho (4-10)
08.1s M7e  Tochinoshin (5-9)  yorikiri    M16w Chiyomaru (8-6)
04.6s M4e  Kiribayama (5-9)   yorikiri    M14w Chiyotairyu (9-5)
17.1s M4w  Myogiryu (6-8)     yorikiri    M11e Kotonowaka (7-7)
08.8s M3e  Aoiyama (4-2-8)    tsukihiza   M17e Akua (4-10)
02.3s M2e  Meisei (8-6)       yorikiri    M10e Tamawashi (6-8)

06.2s M2w  Tobizaru (5-9)     oshidashi   M9w  Kagayaki (6-8)
03.1s M1e  Wakatakakage (9-5) oshidashi   M12w Okinoumi (8-6)
05.9s M1w  Hokutofuji (6-8)   oshidashi   M6e  Hidenoumi (5-9)
08.3s K1e  Mitakeumi (9-5)    yorikiri    M7w  Takarafuji (6-8)
05.4s M5w  Onosho (7-7)       yorikiri    K1w  Daieisho (5-9)
03.9s S1e  Takayasu (10-4)    hatakikomi  M5e  Hoshoryu (6-8)
14.8s M6w  Ichinojo (9-5)     hatakikomi  S1w  Takanosho (4-10)
10.1s M8w  Endo (11-3)        shitatenage O2w  Terunofuji (12-2)
02.3s O1w  Takakeisho (11-3)  tsukiotoshi O2e  Shodai (8-6)


Finishing Moves (18 matches--261 matches) Note: finishing move links below link to short NHK videos demonstrating the technique. 

Source for all finishing moves data is Sumo Reference bout query. Note: divide all totals at SR by 2 for the actual number of finishing moves per match per day and cumulative.

Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)...............7--62
Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)...............4--63
Slap Down (Hatakikomi).....................3--24
Under Arm Throw (Shitatenage)..............1---2
Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi)..................1--17
Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage).................1--12

Non-Technique (Losing move)

Knee Touch Down (Tsukihiza) Akua (M17e)....1---1 

Out 11(153), Down 7(107), Disqualification 0(1)   
Frontal 11(140), Rear 0(14) 

Force 7(66), Push 4(83), Slap 3(24), Throw 2(39), Thrust 1.(24), Touch 1(1), Crush 0(9), Pull 0(10), 
Pick 0.(1), Swing 0(1), Trip 0(2), 
Disqualification 0(1)  
Under 1(6), Over 1(12)  

Arm 2(38), Knee 1(1), Hand 0(9), Leg 0(3), 
Shoulder 0(1), Thigh 0(1)

Totals for Basho--None Today; Total

Rear Push Out (Okuridashi)................12
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)...............10
Frontal Crush Out (Yoritaoshi).............9
Pulling Over Arm Throw (Uwatedashinage)....7
Arm Lock Throw (Kotenage)..................6
Frontal Push Down (Oshitaoshi).............6
Beltless Arm Throw (Sukuinage).............6
Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)............5
Pulling Under Arm Throw (Shitatedashinage).4
Backward Force Down (Abisetaoshi)..........2
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi)..........2
Rear Push Down (Okuritaoshi)...............2
Frontal Thrust Down (Tsukitaoshi)..........2
Leg Pick (Ashitori)........................1
Disqualification (Honsoku).................1
Hooking Inner Thigh Throw (Kakenage).......1
Under Shoulder Swing Down (Katasukashi)....1
Twisting Underarm Throw (Shitatehineri)....1
Outside Leg Trip (Sotogake)................1
Inside Leg Trip (Uchigake).................1

fusen (forfeit)............................3


Match Time

Day 14--18 matches

Total Time: 2 minutes, 6.3 seconds  (126.3 s)        
Longest Match: 17.1 s (Myogiryu(3) v Kotonowaka[3])
Shortest Match: 1.0 s (Ishiura v Tsurugisho[2])  
Average (18 matches): 7.0  s 

Cumulative--261 matches 

Total Time: 45 minutes, 55.9 seconds (2755.9 s)
Longest Match: Day 8: 145.8 s (2 minutes, 25.8 s) (Takayasu v Kiribayama)
Shortest Match:  0.5 s:  Day 12: (Hokutofuji v Daieisho) 
Average Time: 10.6 s

Time (seconds)/Matches (Day 14)(cumulative)

0-4.9:       7(91)
5-9.9:       7(91)
10-19.9:     4(50)
20-29.9:     0(17)
30-39.9:     0 (4)
40-49.9:     0 (2)
50-59.9:     0 (4)
110-119.9:   0 (1)
140-149.9:   0 (1)


Kachi-koshi/Make-koshi (8 or more wins--promotion in rank/8 or more losses--demotion)

Key: Basho Day on which the minimum record was achieved; Rikishi; Rank; Current Record

*=Promoted from Juryo after the March 2021 Basho


Day 8: Terunofuji (O2w) 12-2
Day 10: Takakeisho (O1w) 11-3; Endo (M8w) 11-3
Day 11: Ichinojo (M6w) 9-5; Okinoumi (M12w) 8-6
Day 12: Chiyotairu (M14w) 9-5

Day 13: Shodai (O2e) 8-6; Mitakeumi (K1e) 9-5; Wakatakakage (M1e) 9-5; Chiyomaru* (M16w) 8-6
Day 14: Meisei (M2e) 8-6; Kotoeko (M12e) 8-6; Kaisei (M15e) 8-6

Day 9: Chiyonokuni (M3w) 0-4--10; Tobizaru (M2w) 4-9; 
Akiseyama (M13e)  1-7--5; Aoiyama (M3e) 3-2--8

Day 10: Kiribayama (M4e) 5-9 
Day 11: Tochinoshin (M7e) 5-9 

Day 12: Asanoyama (O1e) 7-5-3; Takanosho (S1w) 4-10; Daieisho (K1w) 5-9; Tsurugisho (M8e) 4-10; Akua* (M17e) 4-10

Day 13: Hokutofuji (M1w) 6-8; Myogiryu (M4w) 6-8; Hidenoumi (M6e) 5-9; Ishiura* (M16e) 6-8

Day 14: Hoshoryu (M5e) 6-8; Takarafuji (M7w) 6-8; Kagayaki (M9w) 6-8; Tamawashi (M10e) 6-8; Terutsuyoshi (M10w) 6-8; Daiamami (M13w) 6-8


Top Rank Wins
Maegashira v san'yaku
Juryo Substitute Results and Standings

Top Rank Wins (Through Day 14)

Terunofuji (O2w) 12-2  

Takakeisho (O1w) 11-3 

Takayasu (S1e) 10 (including 1 forfeit win)-4 

Mitakeumi (K1e) 9-5  

Shodai (O2e) 8-6;  

Daieisho (K1w) 5 (including 1 forfeit win)-9

Takanosho (S1w) 4-10 

Asanoyama (O1e) 7-5 (including 1 forfeit loss)-3

Day 14: 66-44-3 (.600)
Day 13: 63-40-3 (.630)

Maegashira v san'yaku 

&=Myogiru was credited with a win over Terunofuji (O2w) due to disqualification

Through Day 14

Endo         (M8w) 2-0
Wakatakakage (M1e) 5-3
Hokutofuji   (M1w) 4-4
Hoshoryu     (M5e) 3-3
Ichinojo     (M6w) 1-1
Meisei       (M2e) 3-5
Myogiryu&    (M4w) 2-4
Tobizaru     (M2w) 1-5
Kiribayama   (M4e) 1-7
Chiyonokuni  (M3w) 0-4 (including 1 forfeit)
Onosho       (M5w) 0-6 

Total through Day 14: 22-42 (.344)
Total through Day 13: 20-40 (.333)

Juryo substitutes

Chiyonokuni (M3w) (0-4) dropped out of the Basho on Day 4 due to a knee injury. Akiseyama (M13e) (1-7) dropped out of the Basho on Day 8 due to jaw injury. Aioyama, who had not participated in the Basho due to injury, returned to action on Day 9. Asanoyama (O1e) was suspended from the Tournament after Day 11 for breaking covid restrictions.  Asanoyama forfeit his Day 12 match v Takayasu (S1e). For Day 13-15, there will be 36 Rikishi available so the assumption is that there will be 18 matches and no Juryo substitutes for the last three days of the Basho. 

Day 5: Enho (J1e) (1-0; 1-4) defeated Akua (M17e) (1-4)
Day 6: Chiyomaru (M16w) (4-2) defeated Tokushoryu (J2e) (0-1; 4-2)
Day 7: Chiyonoo (J1w) (1-0; 5-2) defeated Ishiura M16e (4-3)
Day 8: Ura (J2w) (1-0; 7-1) defeated Kaisei (M15e) (4-4)
Day 9: Chiyotairyu (M14w) (7-2) defeated Hakuyozan J3e (0-1; 4-5)
Day 10: Akua (M17e) (4-6) defeated Azumaryu (J3w) (0-1; 3-7)
Day 11: Enho (J1e) (2-0; 1-4; 4-7) defeated Chiyomaru (M16w) (6-5)
Day 12: Tokoshoryu (J2e) (1-1; 4-2; 8-4) defeated Ishiura (M16e) (5-7)  

Enho       (J1e) (2-0); (1-4; 4-7)
Chiyonoo   (J1w) (1-0); (5-2)
Ura        (J2w) (1-0); (7-1)
Tokushoryu (J2e) (1-1); (4-2; 8-4)
Hakuyozan  (J3e) (0-1); (4-5)
Azumaryu   (J3w) (0-1); (3-7)

Total Day 12: 5-3 (.625)
Total Day 11: 4-3 (.571)



Day 14: May 22: (Sumo Reference)--includes Standings--see left side of the page

Day 14: (Japanese Sumo Association) (click on rikishi name for relevant data including percentage of each Kimarite (finishing) move used, rank and full results of last 5 tournaments, all on one page)

Day 14 Time of Each Match: ( (in Japanese,use Google Translate) Matches are in order from lowest rank to highest. 

Absent rikishi information (Japanese Sumo Association)



Kyodo News--Day 14 The Kyodo News article ends with an excellent composite photo of Endo's (M8w) magnificent throw that beat Terunofuji (O2w), to radically change the complexion of the Basho carries the most exhaustive coverage of Sumo that I have seen. It publishes multiple daily articles about the Basho.

All coverage is in Japanese and can be accessed from the Nikkansports Sumo Wrestling News Page. It can be easily (if not well) translated by Google Translate, which can be easily attached to your browser for seamless "translation." It is the next best thing to being able to read Japanese.
Google Translate (directly or in a separate window/tab)



Nikkan Sports Day 14 Photo FeatureThere are photos today's Makuuchi matches, with selected Rikishi quotes.


Day 13--May 21, 2021

Video: Note: NHK videos will be available on demand until 2 weeks after the end of the Basho. After that, they will be removed from the site. They are usually available for on demand viewing about 1 day after the matches.

Note: If the link doesn't work, it means that the video has not been uploaded from NHK yet. NHK usually releases the most recent video at between 2:00 and 2:30 pm the following day local time. To find out what time that is for you consult I am going to template this from here on  for ease of entry.

Chris Sumo Youtube (filmed from the venue) 


Terunofuji (O2w) continued his winning ways, moving his record to 12-1 and all but sealing the Championship. He was helped today by Endo (M8w) who, with brilliant Sumo, defeated Takakeisho (O1w),dropping him to 10-3. With the win Endo improved to 10-3. So Terunofuji has a 2 match lead with 3 to go. While Takakeisho was on his way to blasting Endo out, he got slightly off balance. When the final, winning push was executed, Endo wasn't there. He turned to the side and escorted Takakeisho out of the dohyo (ring), belly flopping to the floor. Endo provided a gentle touch to aid him out. 

Endo meets Terunofuji tomorrow. If Terunofuji wins, he will win the Championship. If Endo wins he will have a chance to force a playoff by beating Shodai (O2e) on Sunday. If Takakeisho beats Shodai tomorrow, he will have a chance to force a playoff in a match against Terunofuji on Sunday. So if Endo can beat Terunofuji, this tournament, which has seemed to be in the Ozeki's hands from the very beginning, could explode into a very exciting finish. It's a big if. 

Quotable: Source: Kyodo News

"My body reacted instantly, and I was able to make that move. I wasn't thinking about my opponent being an ozeki. Regardless of who it was, I thought today, I just had to win. I'm just happy that I did."
Endo (M8w) on his big win over Takakeisho (O1w). 

"I think I was able to kind of thrust myself forward and my body reacted well. There are a couple of days left, and I'm just going to do my style of sumo one day at a time."
Wakatakage (M1e) on his win over Hokutofuji (M1w). With the win he moves to 8-5, Kachi-koshi (winning tournament) If he wins his last two matches, he will probably win a prize and move up to san'yaku. If he splits them or even loses both, he will still probably move up to san'yaku.


Day 13


Y1e---Hakuho      (0-0-15)
M3e---Aioyama     (3-2--8) Returned Day 9
M14e--Ryuden      (0-0-15)
M15w--Midorifuji  (0-0-15)
M3w---Chiyonokuni (0-4--9)
M13e--Akiseyama   (1-7--5)
O1e---Asanoyama   (7-5--3)

Condensed results (18 matches)

17.0s M15e  Kaisei (7-6)       yorikiri         M11w Chiyoshoma (6-7)
12.8s M16w  Chiyomaru (8-5)    yorikiri         M11e Kotonowaka (7-6)
03.1s M10w  Terutsuyoshi (6-7) yoritaoshi       M17e Akua (4-9)
02.1s M14w  Chiyotairyu (9-4)  tsukitaoshi      M10e Tamawashi (6-7)
06.3s M9w   Kagayaki (6-7)     hatakikomi       M16e Ishiura (5-8)
10.9s M9e   Shimanoumi (7-6)   yorikiri         M12w Okinoumi (8-5)
16.0s M4e   Kiribayama (4-9)   yoritaoshi       M12e Kotoeko (7-6)
09.0s M3e   Aoiyama (3-2-8)    hatakikomi       M13w Daiamami (6-7)
05.4s M2w   Tobizaru (4-9)     yorikiri         M7e  Tochinoshin (4-9)

03.7s M2e   Meisei (7-6)       oshidashi        M8e  Tsurugisho (4-9)
00.9s M1e   Wakatakakage (8-5) tsukiotoshi      M1w  Hokutofuji (5-8)
18.4s K1w   Daieisho (5-8)     oshidashi        M6e  Hidenoumi (5-8)
05.2s K1e   Mitakeumi (8-5)    yorikiri         M5w  Onosho (6-7)
04.6s M5e   Hoshoryu (6-7)     uwatenage        S1w  Takanosho (4-9)
59.3s S1e   Takayasu (9-4)     shitatedashinage M4w  Myogiryu (5-8)
14.9s O2w   Terunofuji (12-1)  yorikiri         M6w  Ichinojo (8-5)
05.5s O2e   Shodai (8-5)       yorikiri         M7w  Takarafuji (6-7)
03.3s M8w   Endo (10-3)        tsukiotoshi      O1w  Takakeisho (10-3)


Finishing Moves (18 matches--243 matches) Note: finishing move links below link to short NHK videos demonstrating the technique. 

Source for all finishing moves data is Sumo Reference bout query. Note: divide all totals at SR by 2 for the actual number of finishing moves per match per day and cumulative.

Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)...............7--55
Slap Down (Hatakikomi).....................2--21
Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)...............2--59
Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi)..................2--16
Frontal Crush Out (Yoritaoshi).............2---9
Pulling Under Arm Throw (Shitatedashinage).1---4
Frontal Thrust Down (Tsukitaoshi)..........1---2
Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage).................1--11

Out 11(142), Down 7(100), Disqualification 0(1)   
Frontal 12(128), Rear 0(14) 

Force 7(59), Thrust 3.(23),Crush 2(9), Push 2(79), 
Slap 2(21), Throw 2(37), Pull 0(10), Pick 0.(1),
Swing 0(1), Trip 0(2), Disqualification 0(1)  

Under 1(5), Over 1(11)  
Arm 2(36), Hand 0(9), Leg 0(3), Shoulder 0(1), Thigh 0(1)

Totals for Basho--None Today; Total

Rear Push Out (Okuridashi)................12
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)...............10
Pulling Over Arm Throw (Uwatedashinage)....7
Arm Lock Throw (Kotenage)..................6
Frontal Push Down (Oshitaoshi).............6
Beltless Arm Throw (Sukuinage).............6
Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)............5
Backward Force Down (Abisetaoshi)..........2
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi)..........2
Rear Push Down (Okuritaoshi)...............2
Leg Pick (Ashitori)........................1
Disqualification (Honsoku).................1
Hooking Inner Thigh Throw (Kakenage).......1
Under Shoulder Swing Down (Katasukashi)....1
Twisting Underarm Throw (Shitatehineri)....1
Under Arm Throw (Shitatenage)..............1
Outside Leg Trip (Sotogake)................1
Inside Leg Trip (Uchigake).................1

fusen (forfeit)............................3


Match Time

Day 13--18 matches

Total Time: 3 minutes, 18.4 seconds  (198.4 s)        
Longest Match: 59.3 s (Takayasu(2) v Myogiryu[2])
Shortest Match: 0.9 s (Wakatakakage v Hokutofuji)  
Average (18 matches): 11.0  s 

Cumulative--243 matches 

Total Time: 43 minutes, 49.6 seconds (2629.6 s)
Longest Match: Day 8: 145.8 s (2 minutes, 25.8 s) (Takayasu v Kiribayama)
Shortest Match:  0.5 s:  Day 12: (Hokutofuji v Daieisho) 
Average Time: 10.8 s

Time (seconds)/Matches (Day 13)(cumulative)

0-4.9:       6(84)
5-9.9:       5(84)
10-19.9:     6(46)
20-29.9:     0(17)
30-39.9:     0 (4)
40-49.9:     0 (2)
50-59.9:     1 (4)
110-119.9:   0 (1)
140-149.9:   0 (1)


Kachi-koshi/Make-koshi (8 or more wins--promotion in rank/8 or more losses--demotion)

Key: Basho Day on which the minimum record was achieved; Rikishi; Rank; Current Record

*=Promoted from Juryo after the March 2021 Basho


Day 8: Terunofuji (O2w) 12-1
Day 10: Takakeisho (O1w) 10-3; Endo (M8w) 10-3
Day 11: Ichinojo (M6w) 8-5; Okinoumi (M12w) 8-5
Day 12: Chiyotairu (M14w) 9-4

Day 13: Shodai (O2e) 8-5; Mitakeumi (K1e) 8-5; Wakatakakage (M1e) 8-5; Chiyomaru* (M16w) 8-5

Day 9: Chiyonokuni (M3w) 0-4--9; Tobizaru (M2w) 4-9; 
Akiseyama (M13e)  1-7--5; Aoiyama (M3e) 3-2--8

Day 10: Kiribayama (M4e) 4-9 
Day 11: Tochinoshin (M7e) 4-9 

Day 12: Asanoyama (O1e) 7-5-3; Takanosho (S1w) 4-9; Daieisho (K1w) 5-8; Tsurugisho (M8e) 4-9; Akua* (M17e) 4-9

Day 13: Hokutofuji (M1w) 5-8; Myogiryu (M4w) 5-8; Hidenoumi (M6e) 5-8; Ishiura* (M16e) 5-8


Top Rank Wins
Maegashira v san'yaku
Juryo Substitute Results and Standings

Top Rank Wins (Through Day 13)

Terunofuji (O2w) 12-1  

Takakeisho (O1w) 10-3 

Takayasu (S1e) 9 (including 1 forfeit win)-4  

Shodai (O2e) 8-5; Mitakeumi (K1e) 8-5  

Daieisho (K1w) 5 (including 1 forfeit win)-8

Takanosho (S1w) 4-9 

Asanoyama (O1e) 7-5 (including 1 forfeit loss)-3

Day 13: 63-40-3 (.630)  
Day 12: 58-38-3 (.604)

Maegashira v san'yaku 

&=Myogiru was credited with a win over Terunofuji (O2w) due to disqualification

Through Day 13

Endo         (M8w) 1-0
Wakatakakage (M1e) 5-3
Hoshoryu     (M5e) 3-2
Hokutofuji   (M1w) 4-4
Meisei       (M2e) 3-5
Myogiryu&    (M4w) 2-4
Tobizaru     (M2w) 1-5
Kiribayama   (M4e) 1-7
Ichinojo     (M6w) 0-1
Chiyonokuni  (M3w) 0-4 (including 1 forfeit)
Onosho       (M5w) 0-5 

Total through Day 13: 20-40 (.333)
Total through Day 12: 18-38 (.321)

Juryo substitutes

Chiyonokuni (M3w) (0-4) dropped out of the Basho on Day 4 due to a knee injury. Akiseyama (M13e) (1-7) dropped out of the Basho on Day 8 due to jaw injury. Aioyama, who had not participated in the Basho due to injury, returned to action on Day 9. Asanoyama (O1e) was suspended from the Tournament after Day 11 for breaking covid restrictions.  Asanoyama forfeit his Day 12 match v Takayasu (S1e). For Day 13-15, there will be 36 Rikishi available so the assumption is that there will be 18 matches and no Juryo substitutes for the last three days of the Basho. 

Day 5: Enho (J1e) (1-0; 1-4) defeated Akua (M17e) (1-4)
Day 6: Chiyomaru (M16w) (4-2) defeated Tokushoryu (J2e) (0-1; 4-2)
Day 7: Chiyonoo (J1w) (1-0; 5-2) defeated Ishiura M16e (4-3)
Day 8: Ura (J2w) (1-0; 7-1) defeated Kaisei (M15e) (4-4)
Day 9: Chiyotairyu (M14w) (7-2) defeated Hakuyozan J3e (0-1; 4-5)
Day 10: Akua (M17e) (4-6) defeated Azumaryu (J3w) (0-1; 3-7)
Day 11: Enho (J1e) (2-0; 1-4; 4-7) defeated Chiyomaru (M16w) (6-5)
Day 12: Tokoshoryu (J2e) (1-1; 4-2; 8-4) defeated Ishiura (M16e) (5-7)  

Enho       (J1e) (2-0); (1-4; 4-7)
Chiyonoo   (J1w) (1-0); (5-2)
Ura        (J2w) (1-0); (7-1)
Tokushoryu (J2e) (1-1); (4-2; 8-4)
Hakuyozan  (J3e) (0-1); (4-5)
Azumaryu   (J3w) (0-1); (3-7)

Total Day 12: 5-3 (.625)
Total Day 11: 4-3 (.571)



Day 13: May 21: (Sumo Reference)--includes Standings--see left side of the page

Day 13: (Japanese Sumo Association) (click on rikishi name for relevant data including percentage of each Kimarite (finishing) move used, rank and full results of last 5 tournaments, all on one page)

Day 13 Time of Each Match: ( (in Japanese,use Google Translate) Matches are in order from lowest rank to highest. 

Absent rikishi information (Japanese Sumo Association)

--- carries the most exhaustive coverage of Sumo that I have seen. It publishes multiple daily articles about the Basho.

All coverage is in Japanese and can be accessed from the Nikkansports Sumo Wrestling News Page. It can be easily (if not well) translated by Google Translate, which can be easily attached to your browser for seamless "translation." It is the next best thing to being able to read Japanese.
Google Translate (directly or in a separate window/tab)



Nikkan Sports Day 13 Photo FeatureThere are photos today's Makuuchi matches, with selected Rikishi quotes.


Day 12--May 20, 2021

Video: Note: NHK videos will be available on demand until 2 weeks after the end of the Basho. After that, they will be removed from the site. They are usually available for on demand viewing about 1 day after the matches.

Note: If the link doesn't work, it means that the video has not been uploaded from NHK yet. NHK usually releases the most recent video at between 2:00 and 2:30 pm the following day local time. To find out what time that is for you consult I am going to template this from here on  for ease of entry.

Chris Sumo Youtube (filmed from the venue) 

May 2021, Day 12: It's all about the respect


Normal Service resumed today as Terunofuji (O2w) (11-1) showed no signs of any "hangover" from yesterday's disqualification, beating beating Onosho (M5w), who had beaten him in the last two Basho. The win preserved his one match lead over Takakeisho (O1w). He re-opened a two match lead over 3rd Place Endo (M8w), who lost to Kotoeko (M12e). Four Rikishi (Takayasu [S1e]-who received a forfeit win over suspended Asanoyama [O1e]; Ichinojo [M6w]; Okinoumi [M12w], and Chiyotairu [M14w]) are 3 matches behind. Terunofuji will have a chance to personally eliminate Ichinojo (who will be fighting his first bout against a Top Ranker on Day 13 ), while what amounts to an elimination match will take place between Takakeisho and Endo. If Terunofuji wins and Takakeisho loses, it will pretty much end any suspense in this Basho. 

Interestingly, at this point Juryo substitutes have taken the measure of their opponents, with a 4-3 record thanks to Tokushoryu's (J2e) win over Ishiura (M16e), who has been fighting with a damaged hand. The win almost certainly guarantees promotion by Tokushoryu back to Makuuchi. The loss was damaging for Ishiura, as he now has no margin for error. A Make-koshi (losing record) will almost certainly demote him back to Juryo. In March Juryo substitutes ended with a 6-7 record against Makuuchi men.  

Quotable: Source: Kyodo News

"I thought my charge was pretty good. I am giving it everything I have."
Terunofuji on his victory over Onosho (M5w).

"That was my fault," he said. "Yesterday was yesterday. Today is today."
Terunofuji, in the moment, not letting his disqualification yesterday effect his performance today.


Day 12


Y1e---Hakuho      (0-0-15)
M3e---Aioyama     (2-2--8) Returned Day 9
M14e--Ryuden      (0-0-15)
M15w--Midorifuji  (0-0-15)
M3w---Chiyonokuni (0-4--8)
M13e--Akiseyama   (1-7--4)
O1e---Asanoyama   (7-5--3)

Condensed results (18 matches)

05.8s J2e  Tokushoryu (8-4)  oshidashi        M16e Ishiura (5-7)
02.7s M14w Chiyotairyu (8-4) hikiotoshi       M12w Okinoumi (8-4)
04.9s M15e Kaisei (6-6)      oshidashi        M10e Tamawashi (6-6)
11.0s M13w Daiamami (6-6)    yorikiri         M10w Terutsuyoshi (5-7)
06.5s M9e  Shimanoumi (6-6)  oshidashi        M17e Akua (4-8)
21.1s M11e Kotonowaka (7-5)  shitatedashinage M9w  Kagayaki (5-7)
08.0s M16w Chiyomaru (7-5)   tsukiotoshi      M8e  Tsurugisho (4-8)
06.9s M12e Kotoeko (7-5)     yorikiri         M8w  Endo (9-3)
05.6s M7w  Takarafuji (6-6)  oshitaoshi       M11w Chiyoshoma (6-6)
04.7s M7e  Tochinoshin (4-8) yoritaoshi       M5e  Hoshoryu (5-7)

09.8s M3e  Aoiyama (2-2-8)   hatakikomi       M4w  Myogiryu (5-7)
09.7s M2w  Tobizaru (3-9)    okuridashi       M4e  Kiribayama (3-9)
04.3s M6e  Hidenoumi (5-7)   hatakikomi       M1e  Wakatakakage (7-5)
17.2s M2e  Meisei (6-6)      yorikiri         K1e  Mitakeumi (7-5)
00.5s M1w  Hokutofuji (5-7)  hatakikomi       K1w  Daieisho (4-8)
07.4s O2e  Shodai (7-5)      sukuinage        S1w  Takanosho (4-8)
09.9s O1w  Takakeisho (10-2) oshidashi        M6w  Ichinojo (8-4)
----- S1e  Takayasu (8-4)    fusen            O1e  Asanoyama (7-5)
05.8s O2w  Terunofuji (11-1) yorikiri         M5w  Onosho (6-6)


Finishing Moves (18 matches--225 matches) Note: finishing move links below link to short NHK videos demonstrating the technique. 

Source for all finishing moves data is Sumo Reference bout query. Note: divide all totals at SR by 2 for the actual number of finishing moves per match per day and cumulative.

Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)...............4--57
Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)...............4--48
Slap Down (Hatakikomi).....................3--19
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)................1--10
Rear Push Out (Okuridashi).................1--12
Frontal Push Down (Oshitaoshi).............1---6
Pulling Under Arm Throw (Shitatedashinage).1---3
Beltless Arm Throw (Sukuinage).............1---6
Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi)..................1--14
Frontal Crush Out (Yoritaoshi).............1---7

fusen (forfeit)............................1---3

Out 10(131), Down 8(93), Disqualification 0(1)   
Frontal 10(116), Rear 1(14) 

Push 6(77), Force 4(52), Slap 3(19), Throw 2(35), 
Crush 1(7), Pull 1(10),  Thrust 1.(20),  Pick 0.(1),    
Swing 0(1), Trip 0(2), Disqualification 0(1)  

Under 1(4), Over 0(10)  
Arm 2(34), Hand 0(9), Leg 0(3), Shoulder 0(1), Thigh 0(1)

Totals for Basho--None Today; Total

Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage)................10
Pulling Over Arm Throw (Uwatedashinage)....7
Arm Lock Throw (Kotenage)..................6
Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)............5
Backward Force Down (Abisetaoshi)..........2
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi)..........2
Rear Push Down (Okuritaoshi)...............2
Leg Pick (Ashitori)........................1
Disqualification (Honsoku).................1
Hooking Inner Thigh Throw (Kakenage).......1
Under Shoulder Swing Down (Katasukashi)....1
Twisting Underarm Throw (Shitatehineri)....1
Under Arm Throw (Shitatenage)..............1
Outside Leg Trip (Sotogake)................1
Frontal Thrust Down (Tsukitaoshi)..........1
Inside Leg Trip (Uchigake).................1


Match Time

Day 12--18 matches

Total Time: 2 minutes, 21.8 seconds  (141.8 s)        
Longest Match: 21.1 s (Kotonowaka(2) v Kagayaki[2])
Shortest Match: 0.5 s (Hokutofuji v Daieisho)  
Average (18 matches): 7.9  s 

Cumulative--225 matches 

Total Time: 40 minutes, 31.2 seconds (2431.2 s)
Longest Match: Day 8: 145.8 s (2 minutes, 25.8 s) (Takayasu v Kiribayama)
Shortest Match:  0.5 s:  Day 12: (Hokutofuji v Daieisho) 
Average Time: 10.8 s

Time (seconds)/Matches (Day 12)(cumulative)

0-4.9:       5(78)
5-9.9:      10(79)
10-19.9:     2(40)
20-29.9:     1(17)
30-39.9:     0 (4)
40-49.9:     0 (2)
50-59.9:     0 (3)
110-119.9:   0 (1)
140-149.9:   0 (1)


Kachi-koshi/Make-koshi (8 or more wins--promotion in rank/8 or more losses--demotion)

Key: Basho Day on which the minimum record was achieved; Rikishi; Rank; Current Record

*=Promoted from Juryo after the March 2021 Basho


Day 8: Terunofuji (O2w) 11-1
Day 10: Takakeisho (O1w) 10-2; Endo (M8w) 9-3
Day 11: Ichinojo (M6w) 8-4; Okinoumi (M12w) 8-4
Day 12: Chiyotairu (M14w) 8-4


Day 9: Chiyonokuni (M3w) 0-4--8; Tobizaru (M2w) 3-9; 
Akiseyama (M13e)  1-7--4; Aoiyama (M3e) 2-2--8

Day 10: Kiribayama (M4e) 3-9 
Day 11: Tochinoshin (M7e) 4-8 
Day 12: Asanoyama (O1e) 7-4-4; Takanosho (S1w) 4-8; Daieisho (K1w) 4-8; Tsurugisho (M8e) 4-8; Akua* (M17e) 4-8


Top Rank Wins
Maegashira v san'yaku
Juryo Substitute Results and Standings

Top Rank Wins (Through Day 12)

Terunofuji (O2w) 11-1  

Takakeisho (O1w) 10-2 

Takayasu (S1e) 8 (including 1 forfeit win)-4  

Shodai (O2e) 7-5; Mitakeumi (K1e) 7-5  

Takanosho (S1w) 4-8; Daieisho (K1w) 4 (including 1 forfeit win)-8

Asanoyama (O1e) 7-5 (including 1 forfeit loss)-3

Day 12: 58-38-3 (.604) 
Day 11: 54-34 (.614)

Maegashira v san'yaku 

&=Myogiru was credited with a win over Terunofuji (O2w) due to disqualification

Through Day 12

Wakatakakage (M1e) 5-3
Hokutofuji   (M1w) 4-4
Hoshoryu     (M5e) 2-2
Myogiryu&    (M4w) 2-3
Meisei       (M2e) 3-5
Tobizaru     (M2w) 1-5
Kiribayama   (M4e) 1-7
Ichinojo     (M6w) 0-1
Chiyonokuni  (M3w) 0-4 (including 1 forfeit)
Onosho       (M5w) 0-4 

Total through Day 12: 18-38 (.321)      
Total through Day 11: 16-36 (.308)

Juryo substitutes

Chiyonokuni (M3w) (0-4) dropped out of the Basho on Day 4 due to a knee injury. Akiseyama (M13e) (1-7) dropped out of the Basho on Day 8 due to jaw injury. Aioyama, who had not participated in the Basho due to injury, returned to action on Day 9. Asanoyama (O1e) was suspended from the Tournament after Day 11 for breaking covid restrictions.  Asanoyama forfeit his Day 12 match v Takayasu (S1e). For Day 13-15, there will be 36 Rikishi available so the assumption is that there will be 18 matches and no Juryo substitutes for the last three days of the Basho. 

Day 5: Enho (J1e) (1-0; 1-4) defeated Akua (M17e) (1-4)
Day 6: Chiyomaru (M16w) (4-2) defeated Tokushoryu (J2e) (0-1; 4-2)
Day 7: Chiyonoo (J1w) (1-0; 5-2) defeated Ishiura M16e (4-3)
Day 8: Ura (J2w) (1-0; 7-1) defeated Kaisei (M15e) (4-4)
Day 9: Chiyotairyu (M14w) (7-2) defeated Hakuyozan J3e (0-1; 4-5)
Day 10: Akua (M17e) (4-6) defeated Azumaryu (J3w) (0-1; 3-7)
Day 11: Enho (J1e) (2-0; 1-4; 4-7) defeated Chiyomaru (M16w) (6-5)
Day 12: Tokoshoryu (J2e) (1-1; 4-2; 8-4) defeated Ishiura (M16e) (5-7)  

Enho       (J1e) (2-0); (1-4; 4-7)
Chiyonoo   (J1w) (1-0); (5-2)
Ura        (J2w) (1-0); (7-1)
Tokushoryu (J2e) (1-1); (4-2; 8-4)
Hakuyozan  (J3e) (0-1); (4-5)
Azumaryu   (J3w) (0-1); (3-7)

Total Day 12: 5-3 (.625)
Total Day 11: 4-3 (.571)



Day 12: May 20: (Sumo Reference)--includes Standings--see left side of the page

Day 12: (Japanese Sumo Association) (click on rikishi name for relevant data including percentage of each Kimarite (finishing) move used, rank and full results of last 5 tournaments, all on one page)

Day 12 Time of Each Match: ( (in Japanese,use Google Translate) Matches are in order from lowest rank to highest. 

Absent rikishi information (Japanese Sumo Association)

--- carries the most exhaustive coverage of Sumo that I have seen. It publishes multiple daily articles about the Basho.

All coverage is in Japanese and can be accessed from the Nikkansports Sumo Wrestling News Page. It can be easily (if not well) translated by Google Translate, which can be easily attached to your browser for seamless "translation." It is the next best thing to being able to read Japanese.
Google Translate (directly or in a separate window/tab)



Nikkan Sports Day 12 Photo FeatureThere are photos today's Makuuchi matches, with selected Rikishi quotes.



Day 11--May 19, 2021

Video: Note: NHK videos will be available on demand until 2 weeks after the end of the Basho. After that, they will be removed from the site. They are usually available for on demand viewing about 1 day after the matches.

Note: If the link doesn't work, it means that the video has not been uploaded from NHK yet. NHK usually releases the most recent video at between 2:00 and 2:30 pm the following day local time. To find out what time that is for you consult I am going to template this from here on  for ease of entry.

Chris Sumo Youtube (filmed from the venue) 



As has been said on many occasions due to many circumstances "You can't make this stuff up." The Basho turned into one part soap opera, and another part very bad error (even if it was controversial, it should never have happened at this level). Asanoyama's (O1e) story is actually tragic, because the penalties he will receive for breaking covid restrictions and then lying about it, will almost certainly cost him his Ozeki ranking, and could possibly drop him from salaried ranks altogether. The fact that he is Ozeki and the "responsibilities" of an Ozeki to the sport are great and taken seriously, makes it an even more unbelievable story. For more see the links to the news articles below.,

As far as Terunofuji's (O2w) disqualification loss, something that has happened in Makuuchi Division 34 times since 1955, with this particular indiscretion (an Ozeki pulling on the top knot) not having happened since 2016 (Goeido, Day 14), was, in my opinion, unforgivable. Whether or not he actually did it (there is some speculation about that) and whether it had anything to do with the outcome of the match (it certainly didn't), is beside the point. At this level, such an error is unacceptable. Not to mention that Terunofuji has now opened the Tournament to Takakeisho (O1w) and Endo (M8w) (both 9-2). Terunofuji will fight both in the next 3 days, and will have to win both to guarantee the Yusho. He knows this, and so do they. And now a final day match between him and Takakeisho for either a playoff or the outright championship is a possibility. That happened last November.

Relevant articles

Quotable: Source: Chris Sumo Youtube and Kyodo News

"I had no sensation of that occurring. But the decision is made."
Myogiryu (M4w) on his disqualification victory over Terunofuji, which left him at 10-1, and brought the Yusho race to life.

"I totally lost that battle. So I don't really know what to say." 


Day 11


Y1e---Hakuho      (0-0-15)
M3e---Aioyama     (1-2--8) Returned Day 9
M14e--Ryuden      (0-0-15)
M15w--Midorifuji  (0-0-15)
M3w---Chiyonokuni (0-4--7)
M13e--Akiseyama   (1-7--3)
O1e---Asanoyama   (7-5--3)

Condensed results (19 matches)

04.9s J1e  Enho (4-7)         yorikiri       M16w Chiyomaru (6-5)
01.6s M11e Kotonowaka (6-5)   uwatedashinage M15e Kaisei (5-6)
04.7s M12w Okinoumi (8-3)     hikiotoshi     M10e Tamawashi (6-5)
08.2s M9w  Kagayaki (5-6)     yoritaoshi     M11w Chiyoshoma (6-5)
06.6s M9e  Shimanoumi (5-6)   oshidashi      M16e Ishiura (5-6)
07.4s M8w  Endo (9-2)         oshidashi      M14w Chiyotairyu (7-4)
04.9s M8e  Tsurugisho (4-7)   abisetaoshi    M17e Akua (4-7)
58.2s M7w  Takarafuji (5-6)   sukuinage      M13w Daiamami (5-6)
01.6s M6w  Ichinojo (8-3)     oshidashi      M12e Kotoeko (6-5)
03.8s M10w Terutsuyoshi (5-6) uwatedashinage M6e  Hidenoumi (4-7)

23.6s M4e  Kiribayama (3-8)   uwatedashinage M7e  Tochinoshin (3-8)
00.7s M2w  Tobizaru (2-9)     hikiotoshi     M3e  Aoiyama (1-2-8)
02.9s M1e  Wakatakakage (7-4) tsukidashi     M5e  Hoshoryu (5-6)
06.4s M2e  Meisei (5-6)       yorikiri       K1w  Daieisho (4-7)
15.0s M1w  Hokutofuji (4-7)   yorikiri       K1e  Mitakeumi (7-4)
07.6s O1w  Takakeisho (9-2)   okuridashi     S1e  Takayasu (7-4)
05.5s O1e  Asanoyama (7-4)    sukuinage      S1w  Takanosho (4-7)
06.2s M4w  Myogiryu (5-6)     hansoku        O2w  Terunofuji (10-1)
02.1s O2e  Shodai (6-5)       oshidashi      M5w  Onosho (6-5)


Finishing Moves (19 matches--207 matches) Note: finishing move links below link to short NHK videos demonstrating the technique. 

Source for all finishing moves data is Sumo Reference bout query. Note: divide all totals at SR by 2 for the actual number of finishing moves per match per day and cumulative.

Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)...............4--53
Pulling Over Arm Throw (Uwatedashinage)....3---7
Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)...............3--44
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)................2---9
Beltless Arm Throw (Sukuinage).............2---5
Backward Force Down (Abisetaoshi)..........1---2
Disqualification (Honsoku).................1---1
Rear Push Out (Okuridashi).................1--11
Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)............1---5
Frontal Crush Out (Yoritaoshi).............1---6

Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)...............2--22

Out 10(121), Down 8(85), Disqualification 1(1)   
Frontal 9(106), Rear 1(13) 

Push 5(71), Throw 5(33), Force 4(48), Pull 2(9), 
Crush 1(6), Thrust 1(19),  Pick 0(1),  Slap 0(16),  
Swing 0(1), Trip 0(2), Disqualification 1(1)  

Under 0(4), Over 0(10)  
Arm 5(32), Hand 2(9), Leg 1(3), Thigh 1(1), 
Shoulder 0(1)

Totals for Basho--None Today; Total

Slap Down (Hatakikomi)....................16
Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi).................13
Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage)................10
Arm Lock Throw (Kotenage)..................6
Frontal Push Down (Oshitaoshi).............5
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi)..........2
Rear Push Down (Okuritaoshi)...............2
Pulling Under Arm Throw (Shitatedashinage).2
Leg Pick (Ashitori)........................1
Hooking Inner Thigh Throw (Kakenage).......1
Under Shoulder Swing Down (Katasukashi)....1
Twisting Underarm Throw (Shitatehineri)....1
Under Arm Throw (Shitatenage)..............1
Outside Leg Trip (Sotogake)................1
Frontal Thrust Down (Tsukitaoshi)..........1
Inside Leg Trip (Uchigake).................1

fusen (forfeit)............................2


Match Time

Day 11--19 matches

Total Time: 2 minutes, 51.9 seconds  (171.9 s)        
Longest Match: 58.2 s (Takarafuji(3) v Daiamami[2])
Shortest Match: 0.7 s (Tobizaru v Aoiyama)  
Average (19 matches): 9.0  s 

Cumulative--207 matches 

Total Time: 38 minutes, 9.4 seconds (2289.4 s)
Longest Match: Day 8: 145.8 s (2 minutes, 25.8 s) (Takayasu v Kiribayama)
Shortest Match:  0.7 s:  Day 9: (Mitakeumi v Wakatakakage); Day 11: (Tobizaru v Aoiyama)   
Average Time: 11.1 s 

Time (seconds)/Matches (Day 11)(cumulative)

0-4.9:       9(73)
5-9.9:       7(69)
10-19.9:     1(38)
20-29.9:     1(16)
30-39.9:     0 (4)
40-49.9:     0 (2)
50-59.9:     1 (3)
110-119.9:   0 (1)
140-149.9:   0 (1)


Kachi-koshi/Make-koshi (8 or more wins--promotion in rank/8 or more losses--demotion)

Key: Basho Day on which the minimum record was achieved; Rikishi; Rank; Current Record

*=Promoted from Juryo after the March 2021 Basho


Day 8: Terunofuji (O2w) 10-1
Day 10: Takakeisho (O1w) 9-2; Endo (M8w) 9-2
Day 11: Ichinojo (M6w) 8-3; Okinoumi (M12w) 8-3


Day 9: Chiyonokuni (M3w) 0-4--7; Tobizaru (M2w) 2-9; 
Akiseyama (M13e)  1-7--3; Aoiyama (M3e) 1-2--8

Day 10: Kiribayama (M4e) 3-8 
Day 11: Tochinoshin (M7e) 3-8 


Top Rank Wins
Maegashira v san'yaku
Juryo Substitute Results and Standings

Top Rank Wins (Through Day 11)

Terunofuji (O2w) 10-1  

Takakeisho (O1w) 9-2   

Asanoyama (O1e) 7-4; Takayasu (S1e) 7-4; Mitakeumi (K1e) 7-4  

Shodai (O2e) 6-5

Takanosho (S1w) 4-7; Daieisho (K1w) 4 (including 1 forfeit win)-7

Day 11: 54-34 (.614)
Day 10: 51-29 (.637)


Maegashira v san'yaku 

&=Myogiru was credited with a win over Terunofuji (O2w) due to disqualification

Through Day 11

Wakatakakage (M1e) 5-3
Hoshoryu     (M5e) 2-2
Hokutofuji   (M1w) 3-4
Myogiryu&    (M4w) 2-3
Meisei       (M2e) 2-5
Tobizaru     (M2w) 1-5
Kiribayama   (M4e) 1-7
Onosho       (M5w) 0-3 
Chiyonokuni  (M3w) 0-4 (including 1 forfeit)

Total through Day 11: 16-36 (.308)
Total through Day 10: 13-35 (.271)

Juryo substitutes

Chiyonokuni (M3w) (0-4) dropped out of the Basho on Day 4 due to a knee injury. Akiseyama (M13e) (1-7) dropped out of the Basho on Day 8 due to jaw injury. Aioyama, who had not participated in the Basho due to injury, returned to action on Day 9. Asanoyama (O1e) was suspended from the Tournament after Day 11 for breaking covid restrictions.  Asanoyama forfeits his Day 12 match v Takayasu (S1e). For Day 13-15, there will be 36 Rikishi available so the assumption is that there will be 18 matches and no Juryo substitutes for the last three days of the Basho. 

Day 5: Enho (J1e) (1-0; 1-4) defeated Akua (M17e) (1-4)
Day 6: Chiyomaru (M16w) (4-2) defeated Tokushoryu (J2e) (0-1; 4-2)
Day 7: Chiyonoo (J1w) (1-0; 5-2) defeated Ishiura M16e (4-3)
Day 8: Ura (J2w) (1-0; 7-1) defeated Kaisei (M15e) (4-4)
Day 9: Chiyotairyu (M14w) (7-2) defeated Hakuyozan J3e (0-1; 4-5)
Day 10: Akua (M17e) (4-6) defeated Azumaryu (J3w) (0-1; 3-7)
Day 11: Enho (J1e) (2-0; 1-4; 4-7) defeated Chiyomaru (M16w) (6-5) 

Enho       (J1e) (2-0); (1-4; 4-7)
Chiyonoo   (J1w) (1-0); (5-2)
Ura        (J2w) (1-0); (7-1)
Tokushoryu (J2e) (0-1); (4-2)
Hakuyozan  (J3e) (0-1); (4-5)
Azumaryu   (J3w) (0-1); (3-7)

Total Day 11: 4-3 (.571)
Total Day 10: 3-3 (.500)



Day 11: May 19: (Sumo Reference)--includes Standings--see left side of the page

Day 11: (Japanese Sumo Association) (click on rikishi name for relevant data including percentage of each Kimarite (finishing) move used, rank and full results of last 5 tournaments, all on one page)

Day 11 Time of Each Match: ( (in Japanese,use Google Translate) Matches are in order from lowest rank to highest. 

Absent rikishi information (Japanese Sumo Association)

--- carries the most exhaustive coverage of Sumo that I have seen. It publishes multiple daily articles about the Basho.

All coverage is in Japanese and can be accessed from the Nikkansports Sumo Wrestling News Page. It can be easily (if not well) translated by Google Translate, which can be easily attached to your browser for seamless "translation." It is the next best thing to being able to read Japanese.
Google Translate (directly or in a separate window/tab)



Nikkan Sports Day 11 Photo FeatureThere are photos today's Makuuchi matches, with selected Rikishi quotes.


Day 10--May 18, 2021

Video: Note: NHK videos will be available on demand until 2 weeks after the end of the Basho. After that, they will be removed from the site. They are usually available for on demand viewing about 1 day after the matches.

Note: If the link doesn't work, it means that the video has not been uploaded from NHK yet. NHK usually releases the most recent video at between 2:00 and 2:30 pm the following day local time. To find out what time that is for you consult I am going to template this from here on  for ease of entry.

Chris Sumo Youtube (filmed from the venue)



Terunofuji (O2w) won his 10th consecutive match in this Basho and 15th consecutive match overall as he maintained his 2 match lead over Takakeisho (O1w) and Endo (M8w). Five other Rikishi (Takayasu [S1e], Mitakeumi [K1e), Ichinojo [M6w], Okinoumi [M12w] and Chiyotairyu [M14w] are two matches behind. Terunofuji will most likely finish his Basho with three matches against the other Ozeki (Taktakeisho, Asanoyama [O1e], and Shodai [O2e]). Whether any of those matches will have any bearing on who wins the Yusho remains to be seen. They are the only san'yaku he has left to face. He has put on an awesome display with 5 force outs (including one of the two punishing Kimedashi (arm barring forceout) wins in the Basho, 2 push outs, 2 slap downs, and 1 throw. His matches have taken an average of  8.2 seconds and only 2 Rikishi have stayed with him for more than 10 seconds. Without the matches v Takayasu (17.6 seconds) and Hokutofuji (M1w) (13.4) his average match has taken a little over 6 seconds.   

Five of Wakatakakage's (M1e) six wins have come against Top Rankers. 

Quotable: Source: Chris Sumo Youtube and Kyodo News

"I'm not thinking of anything other than to fight like hell."
Terunofuji (O2w) after today's win over Kiribayama (M4e).

"I had a good opening charge today. That (left-hand grip) was my 
plan. I'll just concentrate on working right through to the end (of 
the meet)."
Takayasu (S1e), analyzing his victory over Shodai (O2e). Shodai must win three of his last five in order to maintain his Ozeki rank.


Day 10


Y1e---Hakuho      (0-0-15)
M3e---Aioyama     (1-1--8) Returns Day 9
M14e--Ryuden      (0-0-15)
M15w--Midorifuji  (0-0-15)
M3w---Chiyonokuni (0-4--6)
M13e--Akiseyama   (1-7--2)

Condensed results (19 matches)

Key: Time of Match--s=seconds; Rank; Winner; Basho Record; Finishing Move;  Rank; Loser; Basho Record

Day 10 Condensed results

07.3s M17e Akua (4-6)         oshidashi     J3w  Azumaryu (3-7)
05.1s M12w Okinoumi (7-3)     oshidashi     M16e Ishiura (5-5)
05.2s M10w Terutsuyoshi (4-6) shitatehineri M16w Chiyomaru (6-4)
07.8s M15e Kaisei (5-5)       yorikiri      M9e  Shimanoumi (4-6)
13.9s M12e Kotoeko (6-4)      yorikiri      M9w  Kagayaki (4-6)
03.2s M8e  Tsurugisho (3-7)   kotenage      M14w Chiyotairyu (7-3)
04.1s M8w  Endo (8-2)         oshidashi     M11e Kotonowaka (5-5)
01.8s M7e  Tochinoshin (3-7)  tsukiotoshi   M13w Daiamami (5-5)
02.3s M10e Tamawashi (6-4)    oshidashi     M6e  Hidenoumi (4-6)
05.7s M11w Chiyoshoma (6-4)   okuridashi    M6w  Ichinojo (7-3)

04.5s M7w  Takarafuji (4-6)   tsukiotoshi   M3e  Aoiyama (1-1-8)
07.8s M4w  Myogiryu (4-6)     oshidashi     M2w  Tobizaru (1-9)
10.7s M5e  Hoshoryu (5-5)     okuridashi    M1w  Hokutofuji (3-7)
08.8s M1e  Wakatakakage (6-4) yoritaoshi    K1w  Daieisho (4-6)
03.1s S1w  Takanosho (4-6)    tsukidashi    M2e  Meisei (4-6)
13.5s O1e  Asanoyama (6-4)    yorikiri      K1e  Mitakeumi (7-3)
09.2s O2w  Terunofuji (10-0)  yorikiri      M4e  Kiribayama (2-8)
11.1s S1e  Takayasu (7-3)     yorikiri      O2e  Shodai (5-5)
02.8s O1w  Takakeisho (8-2)   oshidashi     M5w  Onosho (6-4)


Finishing Moves (19 matches--188 matches) Note: finishing move links below link to short NHK videos demonstrating the technique. 

Source for all finishing moves data is Sumo Reference bout query. Note: divide all totals at SR by 2 for the actual number of finishing moves per match per day and cumulative.

Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)...............6--49
Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)...............5--41
Rear Push Out (Okuridashi).................2--10
Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi)..................2--13
Arm Lock Throw (Kotenage)..................1---6
Twisting Underarm Throw (Shitatehineri)....1---1 
Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)............1---4
Frontal Crush Out (Yoritaoshi).............1---5

Out 15(111), Down 4(77)   
Frontal 13(97), Rear 2(12) 

Push 8(66), Force 5(44), Thrust 3(18), Throw 2(28)
Crush 1(5), Pick 0(1), Pull 0(7), Slap 0(16),  
Swing 0(1), Trip 0(2)  

Under 0(4), Over 0(10)  
Arm 1(27), Hand 1(7), Leg 1(3), Thigh 1(1), 
Shoulder 0(1)

Totals for Basho--None Today; Total

Slap Down (Hatakikomi)....................16
Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage)................10
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)................7
Frontal Push Down (Oshitaoshi).............5
Pulling Over Arm Throw (Uwatedashinage)....4
Beltless Arm Throw (Sukuinage).............3
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi)..........2
Rear Push Down (Okuritaoshi)...............2
Pulling Under Arm Throw (Shitatedashinage).2
Backward Force Down (Abisetaoshi)..........1
Leg Pick (Ashitori)........................1
Hooking Inner Thigh Throw (Kakenage).......1
Under Shoulder Swing Down (Katasukashi)....1
Under Arm Throw (Shitatenage)..............1
Outside Leg Trip (Sotogake)................1
Frontal Thrust Down (Tsukitaoshi)..........1
Inside Leg Trip (Uchigake).................1

fusen (forfeit)............................2


Match Time

Day 10--19 matches

Total Time: 2 minutes, 7.9 seconds  (127.9 s)        
Longest Match: 13.9 s (Kotoeko v Kagayaki)
Shortest Match: 1.8 s (Tochinoshin(2) v Daiamami)  
Average (19 matches): 6.7  s 

Cumulative--188 matches 

Total Time: 35 minutes, 17.5 seconds (2117.5 s)
Longest Match: Day 8: 145.8 s (2 minutes, 25.8 s) (Takayasu v Kiribayama)
Shortest Match:  0.7 s:  Day 9: (Mitakeumi v Wakatakakage)   
Average Time: 11.3 s 

Time (seconds)/Matches (Day 10)(cumulative)

0-4.9:       7(64)         
5-9.9:       8(62)
10-19.9:     4(37)
20-29.9:     0(15)
30-39.9:     0 (4)
40-49.9:     0 (2) 
50-59.9:     0 (2)
110-119.9:   0 (1)
140-149.9:   0 (1)


Kachi-koshi/Make-koshi (8 or more wins--promotion in rank/8 or more losses--demotion)

Key: Basho Day on which the minimum record was achieved; Rikishi; Rank; Current Record

*=Promoted from Juryo after the March 2021 Basho


Day 8: Terunofuji (O2w) 10-0
Day 10: Takakeisho (O1w) 8-2; Endo (M8w) 8-2


Day 9: Chiyonokuni (M3w) 0-4--6; Tobizaru (M2w) 1-9; Akiseyama (M13e)  1-7--2; Aoiyama (M3e) 1-1--8

Day 10: Kiribayama (M4) 2-8 


Top Rank Wins
Maegashira v san'yaku
Juryo Substitute Results and Standings

Top Rank Wins (Through Day 10)

Terunofuji (O2w) 10-0  

Takakeisho (O1w) 8-2   

Takayasu (S1e) 7-3; Mitakeumi (K1e) 7-3  

Asanoyama (O1e) 6-4 

Shodai (O2e) 5-5

Takanosho (S1w) 4-6; Daieisho (K1w) 4 (including 1 forfeit win)-6

Day 10: 51-29 (.637)
Day 9: 46-26 (.639)

Maegashira v san'yaku 

Through Day 10

Wakatakakage (M1e) 5-3
Hoshoryu     (M5e) 2-2
Hokutofuji   (M1w) 2-4
Myogiryu     (M4w) 1-3
Meisei       (M2e) 1-5
Tobizaru     (M2w) 1-5
Kiribayama   (M4e) 1-7
Onosho       (M5w) 0-2 
Chiyonokuni  (M3w) 0-4 (including 1 forfeit)

Total Day 10: 13-35 (.271)
Total Day 9: 12-32 (.286)

Juryo substitutes

Chiyonokuni (M3w) (0-4) dropped out of the Basho on Day 4 due to a knee injury. Akiseyama (M13e) (1-7) dropped out of the Basho on Day 8 due to jaw injury. Aioyama, who had not participated in the Basho due to injury, returned to action on Day 9. Thus the daily schedule has not been changed and there will most likely be the need for one Juryo substitute as long as this competition configuration remains in place.

Day 5: Enho (J1e) (1-0; 1-4) defeated Akua (M17e) (1-4)
Day 6: Chiyomaru (M16w) (4-2) defeated Tokushoryu (J2e) (0-1; 4-2)
Day 7: Chiyonoo (J1w) (1-0; 5-2) defeated Ishiura M16e (4-3)
Day 8: Ura (J2w) (1-0; 7-1) defeated Kaisei (M15e) (4-4)
Day 9: Chiyotairyu (M14w) (7-2) defeated Hakuyozan J3e (0-1; 4-5)
Day 10: Akua (M17e) (4-6) defeated Azumaryu (J3w) (0-1; 3-7)

Enho       (J1e) (1-0); (1-4)
Chiyonoo   (J1w) (1-0); (5-2)
Ura        (J2w) (1-0); (7-1)
Tokushoryu (J2e) (0-1); (4-2)
Hakuyozan  (J3e) (0-1); (4-5)
Azumaryu   (J3w) (0-1); (3-7)

Total Day 10: 3-3 (.500)
Total Day 9: 3-2 (.600)



Day 10: May 18: (Sumo Reference)--includes Standings--see left side of the page

Day 10: (Japanese Sumo Association) (click on rikishi name for relevant data including percentage of each Kimarite (finishing) move used, rank and full results of last 5 tournaments, all on one page)

Day 10 Time of Each Match: ( (in Japanese,use Google Translate) Matches are in order from lowest rank to highest. 

Absent rikishi information (Japanese Sumo Association)

--- carries the most exhaustive coverage of Sumo that I have seen. It publishes multiple daily articles about the Basho.

All coverage is in Japanese and can be accessed from the Nikkansports Sumo Wrestling News Page. It can be easily (if not well) translated by Google Translate, which can be easily attached to your browser for seamless "translation." It is the next best thing to being able to read Japanese.
Google Translate (directly or in a separate window/tab)



Nikkan Sports Day 10 Photo FeatureThere are photos today's Makuuchi matches, with selected Rikishi quotes.


Day 9--May 17, 2021

Video: Note: NHK videos will be available on demand until 2 weeks after the end of the Basho. After that, they will be removed from the site. They are usually available for on demand viewing about 1 day after the matches.

Note: If the link doesn't work, it means that the video has not been uploaded from NHK yet. NHK usually releases the most recent video at between 2:00 and 2:30 pm the following day local time. To find out what time that is for you consult I am going to template this from here on  for ease of entry.

Chris Sumo Youtube (filmed from the venue)



Terunofuji (O2w) had his toughest outing of the Basho, a grueling 17 1/2 second bout with Takayasu (S1e). The two had battled 17 times going into this match, with Takayasu winning 12, including 9 of the last 10 going back to 2016. But this time Terunofuji came out on top, staying perfect at 9-0. And with his closest competitor Takakeisho (O1w) going down to defeat at the hands Daieisho (K1w), Terunofuji now has a two match lead with six to go. Takakeisho was joined in second place by four other Rikishi: Mitakeumi (K1e), and three rank and filers. They are Ichinojo (M6w), Endo (M8w), and Chiyotairyu (M14w). Terunofuji has beaten three san'yaku (Top Rank) men, but has yet to face any of the other three Ozeki. Takakeisho was looking very powerful until today's defeat, Asanoyama (O1e) and Shodai (O2e) have looked anything but consistent, with a combined record of 10 wins and 8 losses. Still, the bigger the cushion Terunofuji can build before battling the O men, the better his chances of winning this Yusho. 

On the other hand, he, as has been mentioned by commentators on more than one occasion, is the one Rikishi in this Tournament who has been looking the part of a Yokozuna. Five more wins for him will shut everyone else out, and if a couple of those wins come against his closest competitors, he could win the Yusho before the last day, something that hasn't been done since November of 2019.   

Quotable: (Source of both quotes: Kyodo News)

"I attacked well today. My opening charge wasn't quite as sharp as I had wanted, but I feel OK,"
Daieisho (K1w), on his victory over Takakeisho (O1w).

"I figured I had to go all out and attack from the start (as) my opponent was an ozeki and strong. I wasn't aiming for the leg trip, it was just how my body moved after we ended up in that position,"
Hoshoryu (M5e) on his victory over Shodai (O2e). It was the 2nd consecutive win over an Ozeki in 2 days for the nephew of the 68th Yokozuna, Asashoru.


Day 9


Y1e---Hakuho      (0-0-15)
M3e---Aioyama     (1-0--8) Returns Day 9
M14e--Ryuden      (0-0-15)
M15w--Midorifuji  (0-0-15)
M3w---Chiyonokuni (0-4--5)
M13e--Akiseyama   (1-7--1)

Condensed results (19 matches)

Key: Time of Match--s=seconds; Rank; Winner; Basho Record; Finishing Move;  Rank; Loser; Basho Record

Day 9 Condensed results

12.4s M14w Chiyotairyu (7-2)  yorikiri         J3e  Hakuyozan (4-5)
16.1s M17e Akua (3-6)         hatakikomi       M12e Kotoeko (5-4)
13.7s M16e Ishiura (5-4)      shitatedashinage M11w Chiyoshoma (5-4)
07.1s M16w Chiyomaru (6-3)    oshidashi        M10e Tamawashi (5-4)
08.0s M13w Daiamami (5-4)     yorikiri         M9e  Shimanoumi (4-5)
01.6s M8w  Endo (7-2)         hikiotoshi       M15e Kaisei (4-5)
21.3s M10w Terutsuyoshi (3-6) kakenage         M8e  Tsurugisho (2-7)
02.6s M11e Kotonowaka (5-4)   okuridashi       M7w  Takarafuji (3-6)
09.0s M6w  Ichinojo (7-2)     yorikiri         M12w Okinoumi (6-3)
11.7s M9w  Kagayaki (4-5)     yorikiri         M6e  Hidenoumi (4-5)

02.5s M4w  Myogiryu (3-6)     yorikiri         M7e  Tochinoshin (2-7)
01.2s M3e  Aoiyama (1-0-8)    hatakikomi       M4e  Kiribayama (2-7)
23.3s M2e  Meisei (4-5)       hatakikomi       M2w  Tobizaru (1-8)
00.7s K1e  Mitakeumi (7-2)    uwatenage        M1e  Wakatakakage (5-4)
08.4s M1w  Hokutofuji (3-6)   oshidashi        S1w  Takanosho (3-6)
17.6s O2w  Terunofuji (9-0)   hatakikomi       S1e  Takayasu (6-3)
04.5s M5e  Hoshoryu (4-5)     sotogake         O2e  Shodai (5-4)
06.6s K1w  Daieisho (4-5)     oshidashi        O1w  Takakeisho (7-2)
08.1s O1e  Asanoyama (5-4)    kotenage         M5w  Onosho (6-3)


Finishing Moves (19 matches--169 matches) Note: finishing move links below link to short NHK videos demonstrating the technique. 

Source for all finishing moves data is Sumo Reference bout query. Note: divide all totals at SR by 2 for the actual number of finishing moves per match per day and cumulative.

Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)...............5--36
Slap Down (Hatakikomi).....................4--16
Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)...............3--43
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)................1---7
Hooking Inner Thigh Throw (Kakenage).......1---1
Arm Lock Throw (Kotenage)..................1---5
Rear Push Out (Okuridashi).................1---8
Pulling Under Arm Throw (Shitatedashinage).1---2
Outside Leg Trip (Sotogake)................1---1
Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage).................1--10

Out 9(96), Down 10(73)   
Frontal 8(84), Rear 1(10) 
Force 5(39), Push 4(58), Slap 4(16), Throw 4(26),  
Trip 1(2), Crush 0(4), Pick 0(1), Pull 1(7), 
Swing 0(1), Thrust 0(15)    

Under 1(4), Over 1(10)  
Arm 3(26), Hand 1(7), Leg 1(3), Thigh 1(1), 
Shoulder 0(1) 

Totals for Basho--None Today; Total

Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi).................11
Frontal Push Down (Oshitaoshi).............5
Pulling Over Arm Throw (Uwatedashinage)....4
Frontal Crush Out (Yoritaoshi).............4
Beltless Arm Throw (Sukuinage).............3
Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)............3
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi)..........2
Rear Push Down (Okuritaoshi)...............2
Backward Force Down (Abisetaoshi)..........1
Leg Pick (Ashitori)........................1
Under Shoulder Swing Down (Katasukashi)....1
Under Arm Throw (Shitatenage)..............1
Frontal Thrust Down (Tsukitaoshi)..........1
Inside Leg Trip (Uchigake).................1

fusen (forfeit)............................2


Match Time

Day 9--19 matches

Total Time: 2 minutes, 56.4 seconds  (176.4 s)        
Longest Match: 23.3 s (Meisei v Tobizaru)
Shortest Match: 0.7 s (Mitakeumi v Wakatakakage[2])   
Average (19 matches): 9.3  s 

Cumulative--169 matches 

Total Time: 33 minutes, 9.6 seconds (1989.6 s)
Longest Match: Day 8: 145.8 s (2 minutes, 25.8 s) (Takayasu v Kiribayama)
Shortest Match:  0.7 s:  Day 9: (Mitakeumi v Wakatakakage)   
Average Time: 11.8 s 

Time (seconds)/Matches (Day 9)(cumulative)

0-4.9:       6(57)         
5-9.9:       6(54)
10-19.9:     5(33)
20-29.9:     2(15)
30-39.9:     0 (4)
40-49.9:     0 (2) 
50-59.9:     0 (2)
110-119.9:   0 (1)
140-149.9:   0 (1)


Kachi-koshi/Make-koshi (8 or more wins--promotion in rank/8 or more losses--demotion)

Key: Basho Day on which the minimum record was achieved; Rikishi; Rank; Current Record

*=Promoted from Juryo after the March 2021 Basho


Day 8: Terunofuji (O2w) 9-0


Day 9: Chiyonokuni (M3w) 0-4--5; Tobizaru (M2w) 1-8; Akiseyama (M13e)  1-7--1; Aoiyama (M3e) 1-0--8

Top Rank Wins
Maegashira v san'yaku
Juryo Substitute Results and Standings

Top Rank Wins

Terunofuji (O2w) 9-0  

Takakeisho (O1w) 7-2; Mitakeumi (K1e) 7-2   

Takayasu (S1e) 6-3  

Asanoyama (O1e) 5-4; Shodai (O2e) 5-4

Daieisho (K1w) 4 (including 1 forfeit win)-5

Takanosho (S1w) 3-6

Day 9: 46-26 (.639)
Day 8: 42-22 (.656)

Maegashira v san'yaku Note: there were errors in the records of Kiribayama and Myogiryu. They have been corrected here, and throughout the blog.
(Added May 17, 2021)

Through Day 9

Wakatakakage (M1e) 4-3
Hoshoryu     (M5e) 2-2
Myogiryu     (M4w) 1-3
Hokutofuji   (M1w) 2-4
Meisei       (M2e) 1-4
Tobizaru     (M2w) 1-5
Kiribayama   (M4e) 1-6
Onosho       (M5w) 0-1 
Chiyonokuni  (M3w) 0-4 (including 1 forfeit)

Total Day 9: 12-32 (.286)
Total Day 8: 10-30 (.250)

Juryo substitutes

Chiyonokuni (M3w) (0-4) dropped out of the Basho on Day 4 due to a knee injury. Akiseyama (M13e) (1-7) dropped out of the Basho on Day 8 due to jaw injury. Aioyama, who had not participated in the Basho due to injury, returned to action on Day 9. Thus the daily schedule has not been changed and there will most likely be the need for one Juryo substitute as long as this competition configuration remains in place.

Day 5: Enho (J1e) (1-0; 1-4) defeated Akua (M17e) (1-4)
Day 6: Chiyomaru (M16w) (4-2) defeated Tokushoryu (J2e) (0-1; 4-2)
Day 7: Chiyonoo (J1w) (1-0; 5-2) defeated Ishiura M16e (4-3)
Day 8: Ura (J2w) (1-0; 7-1) defeated Kaisei (M15e) (4-4)
Day 9: Chiyotairyu (M14w) (7-2) defeated Hakuyozan J3e (0-1; 4-5)

Enho       (J1e) (1-0); (1-4)
Chiyonoo   (J1w) (1-0); (5-2)
Ura        (J2w) (1-0); (7-1) 
Tokushoryu (J2e) (0-1); (4-2)
Hakuyozan  (J3e) (0-1); (4-5)

Total Day 9: 3-2 (.600)
Total Day 8: 3-1 (.750)



Day 9: May 17: (Sumo Reference)--includes Standings--see left side of the page

Day 9: (Japanese Sumo Association) (click on rikishi name for relevant data including percentage of each Kimarite (finishing) move used, rank and full results of last 5 tournaments, all on one page)

Day 9 Time of Each Match: ( (in Japanese,use Google Translate) Matches are in order from lowest rank to highest. 

Absent rikishi information (Japanese Sumo Association)

--- carries the most exhaustive coverage of Sumo that I have seen. It publishes multiple daily articles about the Basho.

All coverage is in Japanese and can be accessed from the Nikkansports Sumo Wrestling News Page. It can be easily (if not well) translated by Google Translate, which can be easily attached to your browser for seamless "translation." It is the next best thing to being able to read Japanese.
Google Translate (directly or in a separate window/tab)



Nikkan Sports Day 8 Photo Feature: There are photos today's Makuuchi matches, with selected Rikishi quotes.


Day 8--May 16, 2021

Video: Note: NHK videos will be available on demand until 2 weeks after the end of the Basho. After that, they will be removed from the site. They are usually available for on demand viewing about 1 day after the matches.

Note: If the link doesn't work, it means that the video has not been uploaded from NHK yet. NHK usually releases the most recent video at between 2:00 and 2:30 pm the following day local time. To find out what time that is for you consult I am going to template this from here on  for ease of entry.

Day 8 Live (NHK) last half of the day's action in real time (50 minutes)
Chris Sumo Youtube (filmed from the venue)



On Day 8, Terunofuji (O2w) became the first Rikishi to earn a Kachi-koshi (guaranteed winning record and possible rank promotion). But that probably isn't what he is thinking about now. If he wins this Basho, and wins the next one, he will be the next Yokozuna. Of course things can change quickly (one need look no further than Takayasu's performance in the last Basho), but Terunofuji looks to be the dominant Rikishi in this one. Of course he will have to beat the other three Ozeki along with two Sekiwaki (starting with Takayasu [S1e] on Day 9) this week. The second week is always the "business end" of the Basho. But he is in control of his fate. If he wins, he doesn't have to "watch the scoreboard." 

An interesting sidelight to Day 8 action was the match up between Takarafuji (M7w) and Tamawawashi (M10e). Though they are both non-contenders for the Yusho, they have much to fight for. Both are within reach of Kachi-koshi. Today belonged to Takarafuji, but in a sense it belonged to both of them. Today was Takarafuji's 1,001st career match and Tamawashi's 1,339th. If you look at their records at Sumo Reference (see the links above), you will see dashes, but those are dashes where the Rikishi were not scheduled (the non-salaried ranks contest only 7 matches per Basho, only Juryo and Makuuchi contest 15).

What you will see is circles, white and black circles. Nothing but white and black circles. Because, you see, neither of these amazing Rikishi have missed a single match in their career. That's 2,340 matches without missing one. Which is quietly astonishing when you think of what it takes to fight 15 matches in 15 days (or even 7 matches in 15 days). Basho after Basho, year after year. Through good times and bad (they each have had their ups and downs), they are always there for the next match. Takarafuji began in January of 2009 and Tamawashi in January of 2004. Win or lose,they are both phenomenal in the eyes of this new fan. BTW, any square boxes you see are "fusens" (forfeits) that they won.


Day 8


Y1e---Hakuho      (0-0-15)
M3e---Aioyama     (0-0--8) Returns Day 9
M14e--Ryuden      (0-0-15)
M15w--Midorifuji  (0-0-15)
M3w---Chiyonokuni (0-4--4)
M13e--Akiseyama   (1-7--0)

Condensed results (18 matches)

Key: Time of Match--s=seconds; Rank; Winner; Basho Record; Finishing Move;  Rank; Loser; Basho Record

Day 8 Condensed results

24.3s  J2w  Ura (7-1)          sukuinage       M15e Kaisei (4-4)
-----  M17e Akua (2-6)         fusen           M13e Akiseyama (1-7)
07.2s  M12e Kotoeko (5-3)      yorikiri        M13w Daiamami (4-4)
31.8s  M12w Okinoumi (6-2)     yorikiri        M16w Chiyomaru (5-3)
12.9s  M10w Terutsuyoshi (2-6) sukuinage       M16e Ishiura (4-4)
07.6s  M14w Chiyotairyu (6-2)  tsukiotoshi     M9w  Kagayaki (3-5)
04.9s  M11e Kotonowaka (4-4)   uwatedashinage  M8e  Tsurugisho (2-6)
05.2s  M11w Chiyoshoma (5-3)   uwatenage       M7e  Tochinoshin (2-6)
45.6s  M7w  Takarafuji (3-5)   oshidashi       M10e Tamawashi (5-3)
04.9s  M8w  Endo (6-2)         uwatedashinage  M6e  Hidenoumi (4-4)

05.8s  M6w  Ichinojo (6-2)     oshidashi       M9e  Shimanoumi (4-4)
01.6s  M5w  Onosho (6-2)       tsukiotoshi     M2e  Meisei (3-5)
15.9s  M1w  Hokutofuji (2-6)   oshidashi       M2w  Tobizaru (1-7)
145.8s S1e  Takayasu (6-2)     okuritaoshi     M4e  Kiribayama (2-6)
04.3s  M1e  Wakatakakage (5-3) oshidashi       S1w  Takanosho (3-5)
04.1s  K1e  Mitakeumi (6-2)    oshidashi       O2e  Shodai (5-3)
02.5s  O1w  Takakeisho (7-1)   hatakikomi      M4w  Myogiryu (2-6)
05.9s  M5e  Hoshoryu (3-5)     uchigake        O1e  Asanoyama (4-4)
05.7s  O2w  Terunofuji (8-0)   oshidashi       K1w  Daieisho (3-5)


Finishing Moves (18 matches--150 matches) Note: finishing move links below link to short NHK videos demonstrating the technique. 

Source for all finishing moves data is Sumo Reference bout query. Note: divide all totals at SR by 2 for the actual number of finishing moves per match per day and cumulative.

Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)...............6--40
Beltless Arm Throw (Sukuinage).............2---3
Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi)..................2--11
Pulling Over Arm Throw (Uwatedashinage)....2---4
Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)...............2--31
Slap Down (Hatakikomi).....................1--12
Rear Push Down (Okuritaoshi)...............1---2
Inside Leg Trip (Uchigake).................1---1
Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage).................1---9

fusen (forfeit)............................1---2

Out 8(87), Down 10(63)   
Frontal 8(76), Rear 1(9) 
Push 7(54), Throw 5(22), Force 2(34), Thrust 2(15),
Slap 1(12)Trip 1(1), Crush 0(4), Pick 0(1),  
Pull 0(6), Swing 0(1)    

Under 0(3), Over 2(9)  
Arm 5(23), Leg (1)2, Hand 0(6), Shoulder 0(1) 

Totals for Basho--None Today; Total

Rear Push Out (Okuridashi).................7
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)................6
Frontal Push Down (Oshitaoshi).............5
Arm Lock Throw (Kotenage)..................4
Frontal Crush Out (Yoritaoshi).............4
Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)............3
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi)..........2
Backward Force Down (Abisetaoshi)..........1
Leg Pick (Ashitori)........................1
Under Shoulder Swing Down (Katasukashi)....1
Pulling Under Arm Throw (Shitatedashinage).1
Under Arm Throw (Shitatenage)..............1
Frontal Thrust Down (Tsukitaoshi)..........1


Match Time

Day 8--18 matches

Total Time: 5 minutes, 36 seconds  (336.0 s)        
Longest Match: 2 minutes, 25.8 seconds (145.8 s) (Takayasu  v Kiribayama [2])

Shortest Match: 1.6 s (Onosho (4) v Meisei)    
Average (18 matches): 18.7  s 

Cumulative--150 matches 

Total Time: 30 minutes, 13.2 seconds (1813.2 s)
Longest Match: Day 8: 145.8 s (2 minutes, 25.8 s) (Takayasu v Kiribayama)
Shortest Match:  1.0 s:  Day 7: (Chiyoshoma v Akua) 
Average Time: 12.1 s 

Time (seconds)/Matches (Day 8)(cumulative)

0-4.9:       6(51)         
5-9.9:       6(48)
10-19.9:     2(28)
20-29.9:     1(13)
30-39.9:     1 (4)
40-49.9:     1 (2) 
50-59.9:     0 (2)
110-119.9:   0 (1)
140-149.9:   1 (1)


Kachi-koshi/Make-koshi (8 or more wins--promotion in rank/8 or more losses--demotion)

Key: Basho Day on which the minimum record was achieved; Rikishi; Rank; Current Record

*=Promoted from Juryo after the March 2021 Basho


Day 8: Terunofuji (O2w) 8-0


Top Rank Wins
Maegashira v san'yaku
Juryo Substitute Results and Standings

Top Rank Wins

Through Day 8

Terunofuji (O2w) 8-0  

Takakeisho (O1w) 7-1   

 Takayasu (S1e) 6-2,  Mitakeumi (K1e) 6-2

Shodai (O2e) 5-3

Asanoyama (O1e) 4-4 

Takanosho (S1w) 3-5, Daieisho (K1w) 3 (including 1 forfeit win)-5

Day 8: 42-22 (.656)
Day 7: 38-18 (.679)

Maegashira v San'yaku

Through Day 8

Wakatakakage (M1e) 4-2
Hoshoryu     (M5e) 1-2
Myogiryu     (M4w) 1-3
Hokutofuji   (M1w) 1-4
Meisei       (M2e) 1-4
Tobizaru     (M2w) 1-5
Kiribayama   (M4e) 1-6 
Chiyonokuni  (M3w) 0-4 (including 1 forfeit)

Total Day 8: 10-30 (.250)
Total Day 7: 8-28 (.222)

Juryo substitutes

Chiyonokuni (M3w) (0-4--1)dropped out of the Basho on Day 4 due to a knee injury

Day 5: Enho (J1e) (1-0; 1-4) defeated Akua (M17e) (1-4)
Day 6: Chiyomaru (M16w) (4-2) defeated Tokushoryu (J2e) (0-1; 4-2)
Day 7: Chiyonoo (J1w) (1-0; 5-2) defeated Ishiura M16e (4-3)
Day 8: Ura (J2w) (1-0; 7-1) defeated Kaisei (M15e) (4-4)

Enho       (J1e) (1-0); (1-4)
Chiyonoo   (J1w) (1-0); (5-2)
Ura        (J2w) (1-0); (7-1) 
Tokushoryu (J2e) (0-1); (4-2)

Total Day 8: 3-1 (.750)
Total Day 7: 2-1 (.667)



Day 8: May 16: (Sumo Reference)--includes Standings--see left side of the page

Day 8: (Japanese Sumo Association) (click on rikishi name for relevant data including percentage of each Kimarite (finishing) move used, rank and full results of last 5 tournaments, all on one page)

Day 8 Time of Each Match: ( (in Japanese,use Google Translate) Matches are in order from lowest rank to highest. 

Absent rikishi information (Japanese Sumo Association)

--- carries the most exhaustive coverage of Sumo that I have seen. It publishes multiple daily articles about the Basho.

All coverage is in Japanese and can be accessed from the Nikkansports Sumo Wrestling News Page. It can be easily (if not well) translated by Google Translate, which can be easily attached to your browser for seamless "translation." It is the next best thing to being able to read Japanese.
Google Translate (directly or in a separate window/tab)



Nikkan Sports Day 8 Photo Feature: There are photos from all Makuuchi matches, with selected Rikishi quotes. 


Day 7--May 15, 2021

Video: Note: NHK videos will be available on demand until 2 weeks after the end of the Basho. After that, they will be removed from the site. They are usually available for on demand viewing about 1 day after the matches.

Day 7 Video highlights (replays of all 19 matches--NHK) (27:00)

Chris Sumo Youtube (filmed from the venue)


The Basho reached its halfway point with Terunofuji (O2w) in the driver's seat at 7-0 (12 consecutive wins at the moment). Takakeisho (O1w) is second at 6-1. 10 Rikishi are tied for third at 5-2. As far as san'yaku (Top Rankers) are concerned, six of the eight have winning records. Takanosho (S1w) and January Champion Daieisho (K1w) are 3-4. Seven Maegashira (rank and filers) are 5-2. 

Ura (J2w--6-1) and tied for first place in the Juryo (Second Division) Basho will see his first Top Division on action since September 2017 when he will be the Day 8 Juryo substitute and battle Kaisei (M15e--4-3). Ura has been as high as M4e with one Kinboshi (Gold Star win by a rank and filer over a Yokozuna--he beat Harumafuji [70th Yokozuna]). However, beginning late in 2017, Ura missed 63 consecutive matches due to a knee injury and found himself deposited in Jonidan (Fifth Division--non salary). It took him a year to get back to Juryo (salary), during which he was 32-3 with two division Yusho. He is a very dynamic and creative Rikishi who may be back in the Top Division soon.

Another match of interest on Day 8 will be Shodai (O2e--5-2) v Mitakeumi (K1e--5-2). In addition to the Tournament context, Shodai needs 3 more wins to keep his Ozeki rank. A double digit winning record for Mitakeumi might allow him to advance to Sekiwake, which he fell from in January.

Ozeki today had a perfect 4-0 record. San'yaku were 6-2 (38-18 overall--.679). Rank and filers had a tough day at the office against Top Rankers (1-3--8-28 overall--.222).


Y1e---Hakuho      (0-0-15)
M3e---Aioyama     (0-0-15)
M14e--Ryuden      (0-0-15)
M15w--Midorifuji  (0-0-15)
M3w---Chiyonokuni (0-4--3)

Condensed results (19 matches)

Key: Time of Match--s=seconds; Rank; Winner; Basho Record; Finishing Move;  Rank; Loser; Basho Record

Day 7 Condensed results

17.4s J1w  Chiyonoo (5-2)    yorikiri    M16e Ishiura (4-3)
03.0s M16w Chiyomaru (5-2)   oshidashi   M13e Akiseyama (1-6)
09.8s M12w Okinoumi (5-2)    hatakikomi  M15e Kaisei (4-3)
22.4s M14w Chiyotairyu (5-2) yorikiri    M12e Kotoeko (4-3)
01.0s M11w Chiyoshoma (4-3)  uwatenage   M17e Akua (1-6)
44.0s M13w Daiamami (4-3)    yorikiri    M11e Kotonowaka (3-4)
05.8s M9e  Shimanoumi (4-3)  oshidashi   M10w Terutsuyoshi (1-6)
15.6s M10e Tamawashi (5-2)   uwatenage   M8e  Tsurugisho (2-5)
13.9s M9w  Kagayaki (3-4)    oshidashi   M7w  Takarafuji (2-5)
04.4s M8w  Endo (5-2)        yorikiri    M7e  Tochinoshin (2-5)

30.2s M6w  Ichinojo (5-2)    yorikiri    M6e  Hidenoumi (4-3)
07.4s M5w  Onosho (5-2)      oshidashi   M2w  Tobizaru (1-6)
14.4s M2e  Meisei (3-4)      hatakikomi  M1e  Wakatakakage (4-3)
03.4s K1e  Mitakeumi (5-2)   yorikiri    K1w  Daieisho (3-4)
09.7s M1w  Hokutofuji (1-6)  tsukiotoshi S1e  Takayasu (5-2)
01.8s O1w  Takakeisho (6-1)  hatakikomi  M5e  Hoshoryu (2-5)
22.0s O1e  Asanoyama (4-3)   sukuinage   M4w  Myogiryu (2-5)
05.5s O2w  Terunofuji (7-0)  hatakikomi  S1w  Takanosho (3-4)
04.9s O2e  Shodai (5-2)      yorikiri    M4e  Kiribayama (2-5)


Finishing Moves (19 matches--132 matches) Note: finishing move links below link to short NHK videos demonstrating the technique. 

Source for all finishing moves data is Sumo Reference bout query. Note: divide all totals at SR by 2 for the actual number of finishing moves per match per day and cumulative.

Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)...............7--29
Slap Down (Hatakikomi).....................4--11
Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)...............4--34
Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage).................2---8
Beltless Arm Throw (Sukuinage).............1---1
Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi)..................1---9

Out 11(79), Down 8(53)   
Frontal 11(68), Rear 0(8) 
Force 7(32), Push 4(47), Slap 4(11)Throw 3(17) 
Thrust 1(13)Crush 0(4),  Pick 0(1), Pull 0(6), Swing 0(1)

Under 0(3), Over 1(7)  
Arm 3(18), Hand 0(6), Leg (0)1, Shoulder 0(1) 

Totals for Basho--None Today; Total

Rear Push Out (Okuridashi).................7
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)................6
Frontal Push Down (Oshitaoshi).............5
Arm Lock Throw (Kotenage)..................4
Frontal Crush Out (Yoritaoshi).............4
Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)............3
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi)..........2
Pulling Over Arm Throw (Uwatedashinage)....2
Backward Force Down (Abisetaoshi)..........1
Leg Pick (Ashitori)........................1
Under Shoulder Swing Down (Katasukashi)....1
Rear Push Down (Okuritaoshi)...............1
Pulling Under Arm Throw (Shitatedashinage).1
Under Arm Throw (Shitatenage)..............1
Frontal Thrust Down (Tsukitaoshi)..........1

fusen (forfeit)............................1


Match Time

Day 7--19 matches

Total Time: 3 minutes, 56.6 seconds  (236.6 s)        
Longest Match: 44.0 s  (Daiamami v Kotonowaka)
Shortest Match: 1.0 s (Chiyoshoma(2) v Akua)     
Average (19 matches): 12.5  s 

Cumulative--132 matches 

Total Time: 24 minutes, 37.2 seconds (1477.2 s)
Longest Match: Day 2: 114.9 s (1 minute 54.9 s) (Ichinojo v Takarafuji)
Shortest Match:  1.0 s:  Day 7: (Chiyoshoma v Akua) 
Average Time: 11.2 s 

Time (seconds)/Matches (Day 7)(cumulative)

0-4.9:       6(45)         
5-9.9:       5(42)
10-19.9:     4(26)
20-29.9:     2(12)
30-39.9:     1 (3)
40-49.9:     1 (1) 
50-59.9:     0 (2)
110-119.9:   0 (1)


Top Rank Wins
Maegashira v san'yaku
Juryo Substitute Results and Standings

Top Rank Wins

Through Day 7

Terunofuji (O2w) 7-0  

Takakeisho (O1w) 6-1   

Shodai (O2e) 5-2,  Takayasu (S1e) 5-2,  Mitakeumi (K1e) 5-2

Asanoyama (O1e) 4-3 

Takanosho (S1w) 3-4, Daieisho (K1w) 3 (including 1 forfeit win)-4

Total: 38-18 (.679)

Maegashira v San'yaku

Day 7

Wakatakakage (M1e) 3-2
Myogiryu     (M4w) 1-2
Hokutofuji   (M1w) 1-4
Meisei       (M2e) 1-4
Tobizaru     (M2w) 1-5
Kiribayama   (M4e) 1-5
Hoshoryu     (M5e) 0-2
Chiyonokuni  (M3w) 0-4 (including 1 forfeit)
Total: 8-28 (.222)

Juryo substitutes

Chiyonokuni (M3w) (0-4--1)dropped out of the Basho on Day 4 due to a knee injury

Day 5: Enho (J1e) (1-0; 1-4) defeated Akua (M17e) (1-4)
Day 6: Chiyomaru (M16w) (4-2) defeated Tokushoryu (J2e) (0-1; 4-2)
Day 7: Chiyonoo (J1w) (1-0; 5-2) defeated Ishiura M16e (4-3)

Enho       (J1e) (1-0); (1-4)
Chiyonoo   (J1w) (1-0); (5-2)
Tokushoryu (J2e) (0-1); (4-2)

Total: 2-1 (.667)



Day 7: May 15: (Sumo Reference)--includes Standings--see left side of the page

Day 7: (Japanese Sumo Association) (click on rikishi name for relevant data including percentage of each Kimarite (finishing) move used, rank and full results of last 5 tournaments, all on one page)

Day 7 Time of Each Match: ( (in Japanese,use Google Translate) Matches are in order from lowest rank to highest. 

Absent rikishi information (Japanese Sumo Association)

--- carries the most exhaustive coverage of Sumo that I have seen. It publishes multiple daily articles about the Basho.

All coverage is in Japanese and can be accessed from the Nikkansports Sumo Wrestling News Page. It can be easily (if not well) translated by Google Translate, which can be easily attached to your browser for seamless "translation." It is the next best thing to being able to read Japanese.
Google Translate (directly or in a separate window/tab)



Nikkan Sports Day 7 Photo Feature: There are photos from all Makuuchi matches and one Juryo, with selected Rikishi quotes. 


DAY 6--MAY 14, 2021

Video: Note: NHK videos will be available on demand until 2 weeks after the end of the Basho. After that, they will be removed from the site. They are usually available for on demand viewing about 1 day after the matches.

Day 6 Video highlights (replays of all 19 matches--NHK) (27:00) 

Chris Sumo Youtube (filmed from the venue)



After two days of perfect scores for the four Ozeki, today two of them fell to rank and filers. Neither looked very good. Asanoyama (O1e) got into a long battle with Kiribayama (M4e) and ended up on his back looking up at his 3rd defeat, putting him 3 matches behind the leader, Terunofuji (O2w). Shodai (O2e) was bulldozed out of the dohyo (ring) in a  dominant win by Myogiryu
(M4w). I'll leave the analysis to the Chris Sumo video, but it was quite startling to see two Ozeki lose to opponents who were each 1-4 going into today's action.

As for the other two Ozeki, at this point it looks like a repeat of the November 2020 Basho may be on the cards (although it is still early days). Terunofuji overpowered Hoshoryu (M5e). Takakeisho (O1w) was in full on out of control agricultural implement mode as he destroyed Tobizaru (M2w). 

Terunofuji's next assignment is Takanosho (S1w, 3-3), who lost today to January 2021 Basho winner Daieisho (K1w, 3-3). Takakeisho takes on Hoshoryu (2-4). 

Today the rank and filers held their own against the Top Rankers, going 2-2. Their record against the Top men is now 7-25 (.219). Top Rankers' overall record fell slightly, to 33-15 (.687) from yesterday's 29-11 (.725). 

Quotable (Source for all except the second to last: Chris Sumo. Other source: Kyodo News    
"I couldn't dictate the pace. I hit well, closed my right armpit to block the inside left, and it was still no good. "
Hoshoryu (M5e) expressing his frustration after losing to Terunofuji (O2w) 

Because all I thought was to keep him in front of me and go forwards."
Terunofuji's succinct analysis

"I thought the tachiai would settle it."
Myogiryu (M4w) on his dismantling of Shodai (O1w).

"Yes he encroached well and I couldn't do my natural tachiai."
Shodai, concurring with Myogiryu's analysis.

I don't remember much of that. I just feel I prepared well."
Takekeisho (O1w) on his crushing win over Tobizaru (M2w). 

"He took such a low position and I failed to adjust to that."
Asanoyama (O1e) analyzing his loss to Kiribayama (M4e)

"My outside left came off and my attack fell to pieces. I'm being studied more and just need to have more confidence now because most important is your mindset."



Y1e---Hakuho      (0-0-15)
M3e---Aioyama     (0-0-15)
M14e--Ryuden      (0-0-15)
M15w--Midorifuji  (0-0-15)
M3w---Chiyonokuni (0-4--3)

Condensed results (19 matches)

Key: Time of Match--s=seconds; Rank; Winner; Basho Record; Finishing Move;  Rank; Loser; Basho Record

Day 6 Condensed results

07.4s M16w Chiyomaru (4-2)    oshidashi      J2e  Tokushoryu (4-2)
08.1s M15e Kaisei (4-2)       oshidashi      M17e Akua (1-5)
12.0s M16e Ishiura (4-2)      uwatedashinage M13w Daiamami (3-3)
10.1s M14w Chiyotairyu (4-2)  oshidashi      M11e Kotonowaka (3-3)
13.2s M11w Chiyoshoma (3-3)   hatakikomi     M13e Akiseyama (1-5)
07.8s M12e Kotoeko (4-2)      oshidashi      M10e Tamawashi (4-2)
05.5s M12w Okinoumi (4-2)     abisetaoshi    M10w Terutsuyoshi (1-5)
16.2s M7e  Tochinoshin (2-4)  yorikiri       M9w  Kagayaki (2-4)
06.5s M9e  Shimanoumi (3-3)   okuridashi     M7w  Takarafuji (2-4)
08.8s M8e  Tsurugisho (2-4)   kimedashi      M6e  Hidenoumi (4-2)

03.7s M6w  Ichinojo (4-2)     oshidashi      M8w  Endo (4-2)
01.1s M1e  Wakatakakage (4-2) hatakikomi     M5w  Onosho (4-2)
12.4s M2e  Meisei (2-4)       oshidashi      M1w  Hokutofuji (0-6)
19.1s S1e  Takayasu (5-1)     uwatenage      K1e  Mitakeumi (4-2)
04.1s K1w  Daieisho (3-3)     oshidashi      S1w  Takanosho (3-3)
39.5s M4e  Kiribayama (2-4)   uwatenage      O1e  Asanoyama (3-3)
05.1s O2w  Terunofuji (6-0)   yorikiri       M5e  Hoshoryu (2-4)
02.6s M4w  Myogiryu (2-4)     oshidashi      O2e  Shodai (4-2)
05.5s O1w  Takakeisho (5-1)   tsukidashi     M2w  Tobizaru (1-5)


Finishing Moves (19 matches--113 matches) Note: finishing move links below link to short NHK videos demonstrating the technique. 

Source for all finishing moves data is Sumo Reference bout query. Note: divide all totals at SR by 2 for the actual number of finishing moves per match per day and cumulative.

Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)...............8--30
Slap Down (Hatakikomi).....................2---7
Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage).................2---6
Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)...............2--22
Backward Force Down (Abisetaoshi)..........1---1
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi)..........1---2
Rear Push Out (Okuridashi).................1---7
Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)............1---3
Pulling Over Arm Throw (Uwatedashinage)....1---2

Out 13(68), Down 6(45)   
Frontal 3(57), Rear 1(8) 
Push 9(43), Force 4(25), Throw 3(14), Slap 2(7), Thrust 1(12)Crush 0(4),  Pick 0(1), Pull 0(6), Swing 0(1)

Under 0(3), Over 1(6)  
Arm 3(15), Hand 0(6), Leg (0)1, Shoulder 0(1) 

Totals for Basho--None Today; Total

Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi)..................8
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)................6
Frontal Push Down (Oshitaoshi).............5
Arm Lock Throw (Kotenage)..................4
Frontal Crush Out (Yoritaoshi).............4
Leg Pick (Ashitori)........................1
Under Shoulder Swing Down (Katasukashi)....1
Rear Push Down (Okuritaoshi)...............1
Pulling Under Arm Throw (Shitatedashinage).1
Under Arm Throw (Shitatenage)..............1
Frontal Thrust Down (Tsukitaoshi)..........1

fusen (forfeit)............................1 


Match Time

Day 6--19 matches

Total Time: 3 minutes, 8.7 seconds  (188.7 s)        
Longest Match: 39.5 s  (Kiribayama v Asanoyama[2])
Shortest Match: 1.1 s (Wakatakakage v Onosho[3])      
Average (19 matches): 9.9  s 

Cumulative--113 matches 

Total Time: 20 minutes, 40.6 seconds (1240.6 s)
Longest Match: Day 2: 114.9 s (1 minute 54.9 s) (Ichinojo v Takarafuji)
Shortest Match:  1.1 s: Day 4: (Shimanoumi v Tsurugisho); Day 6 (Wakatakakage v Onosho)  
Average Time: 11.0 s 

Time (seconds)/Matches (Day 6)(cumulative)

0-4.9:       4(39)         
5-9.9:       8(37)
10-19.9:     6(22)
20-29.9:     0(10)
30-39.9:     1 (2)
50-59.9:     0 (2)
110-119.9:   0 (1)


Top Rank Wins
Maegashira v san'yaku
Juryo Substitute Results and Standings

Top Rank Wins

Through Day 6

Terunofuji (O2w) 6-0  

Takakeisho (O1w) 5-1,   Takayasu (S1e) 5-1  

Shodai (O2e) 4-2, Mitakeumi (K1e) 4-2

Asanoyama (O1e) 3-3,  Takanosho (S1w) 3-3, Daieisho (K1w) 3 (including 1 forfeit win)-3

Total: 33-15 (.687)

Maegashira v San'yaku

Day 6

Wakatakakage (M1e) 3-2
Myogiryu     (M4w) 1-1
Meisei       (M2e) 1-4
Kiribayama   (M4e) 1-4
Tobizaru     (M2w) 1-5 
Hoshoryu     (M5e) 0-1
Hokutofuji   (M1w) 0-4
Chiyonokuni  (M3w) 0-4 (including 1 forfeit)

Total: 7-25 (.219)

Juryo substitutes

Chiyonokuni (M3w) (0-4--1)dropped out of the Basho on Day 4 due to a knee injury

Day 5: Enho (J1e) (1-0; 1-4) defeated Akua (M17e)
Day 6: Chiyomaru (M16w) defeated Tokushoryu (J2e) (0-1; 4-2)

Enho       (J1e) (1-0); (1-4)
Tokushoryu (J2e) (0-1); (4-2)

Total: 1-1 (.500)



Day 6: May 14: (Sumo Reference)--includes Standings--see left side of the page

Day 6: (Japanese Sumo Association) (click on rikishi name for relevant data including percentage of each Kimarite (finishing) move used, rank and full results of last 5 tournaments, all on one page)

Day 6 Time of Each Match: ( (in Japanese,use Google Translate) Matches are in order from lowest rank to highest. 

Absent rikishi information (Japanese Sumo Association)

--- carries the most exhaustive coverage of Sumo that I have seen. It publishes multiple daily articles about the Basho.

All coverage is in Japanese and can be accessed from the Nikkansports Sumo Wrestling News Page. It can be easily (if not well) translated by Google Translate, which can be easily attached to your browser for seamless "translation." It is the next best thing to being able to read Japanese.
Google Translate (directly or in a separate window/tab)



Nikkan Sports Day 6 Photo Feature: Photos from Day 6 action.


DAY 5--MAY 13, 2021

Video: Note: NHK videos will be available on demand until 2 weeks after the end of the Basho. After that, they will be removed from the site. They are usually available for on demand viewing about 1 day after the matches.

Day 5 Video highlights (replays of all 19 matches--NHK) (27:00) (FORTCOMING)

Chris Sumo Youtube (filmed from the venue)

"May 13th marks one year since we lost Shobushi to coronavirus. We therefore look at how his stablemates fared today and how they paid tribute to him. I have also unearthed some Shobushi footage taken in 2018. Rest in peace, my friend."



Terunofuji (O2w) remained undefeated as he beat Wakatakakage (M1e) to break the highest ranked Maegashira's three match winning streak (all against Top Rankers and two over Ozeki). The newly minted (for the second time) Ozeki has a one win lead over eight Rikishi, including four of the other seven Top Rankers. Rank and filers who are one match behind are Onosho (M5w), Hidenoumi (M6e) Endo (M8w) and Tamawashi (M10e). One of today's Marquee matches will be between Onosho(4-1) and Wakatakakage (3-2). The other match to watch will be between Takayasu (S1e--4-1) and Mitakeumi (K1e--4-1). Today's surprise winner was Juryo substitute Enho (J1e--1-4) who was off to a poor start and also likely carrying and elbow injury. He still was able to defeat Akua (M17e).

All four Ozeki won today, All four rank and filers who fought Top Rankers lost. Maegashira v san'yaku are now 5-23 (.179) while Top Rankers overall are 29-11 (.725).


Partial or complete absences from this Basho


Y1e---Hakuho      (0-0-15)
M3e---Aioyama     (0-0-15)
M14e--Ryuden      (0-0-15)
M15w--Midorifuji  (0-0-15)
M3w---Chiyonokuni (0-4--1)

Condensed results (19 matches)

Key: Time of Match--s=seconds; Rank; Winner; Basho Record; Finishing Move;  Rank; Loser; Basho Record

Day 5 Condensed results

15.8s J1e  Enho (1-4)       tsukiotoshi M17e Akua (1-4)
11.6s M16e Ishiura (3-2)    okuridashi  M14w Chiyotairyu (3-2)
05.8s M13w Daiamami (3-2)   oshidashi   M16w Chiyomaru (3-2)
26.4s M15e Kaisei (3-2)     tsukiotoshi M13e Akiseyama (1-4)
09.8s M12e Kotoeko (3-2)    oshidashi   M12w Okinoumi (3-2)
04.9s M10e Tamawashi (4-1)  oshidashi   M11w Chiyoshoma (2-3)
17.1s M11e Kotonowaka (3-2) hikiotoshi  M9e  Shimanoumi (2-3)
07.1s M8w  Endo (4-1)       oshidashi   M10w Terutsuyoshi (1-4)
03.3s M9w  Kagayaki (2-3)   hikiotoshi  M8e  Tsurugisho (1-4)
52.0s M6e  Hidenoumi (4-1)  hikiotoshi  M7w  Takarafuji (2-3)

01.7s M5w  Onosho (4-1)     hikiotoshi  M7e  Tochinoshin (1-4)
16.9s M5e  Hoshoryu (2-3)   yorikiri    M6w  Ichinojo (3-2)
12.2s M4w  Myogiryu (1-4)   kotenage    M1w  Hokutofuji (0-5)
19.1s K1e  Mitakeumi (4-1)  oshidashi   S1w  Takanosho (3-2)
05.8s S1e  Takayasu (4-1)   oshitaoshi  K1w  Daieisho (2-3)
09.6s O2w  Terunofuji (5-0) yorikiri    M1e  Wakatakakage (3-2)
19.4s O2e  Shodai (4-1)     yoritaoshi  M2e  Meisei (1-4)
05.3s O1w  Takakeisho (4-1) hatakikomi  M4e  Kiribayama (1-4)
07.2s O1e  Asanoyama (3-2)  uwatenage   M2w  Tobizaru (1-4)


Finishing Moves (19 matches--94 matches) Note: finishing move links below link to short NHK videos demonstrating the technique.

Key: Today---Cumulative

Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)...............5--22
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)................4---6
Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi)..................2---8
Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)...............2--20
Slap Down (Hatakikomi).....................1---5
Arm Lock Throw (Kotenage)..................1---4
Rear Push Out (Okuridashi).................1---6
Frontal Push Down (Oshitaoshi).............1---5
Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage).................1---4
Frontal Crush Out (Yoritaoshi).............1---4

Out 9(55), Down 10(39)   
Frontal 9(54), Rear 1(7) 
Push 7(34), Pull 4(6), Force 2(21), Throw 2(11), Thrust 2(11), Crush 1(4), Slap 1(5), Pick 0(1), Swing 0(1)

Under 0(3), Over 1(5)  
Hand 4(6), Arm 2(12), Shoulder 1(1), Leg (0)1 

Totals for Basho--None Today; Total

Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)............2
Leg Pick (Ashitori)........................1
Under Shoulder Swing Down (Katasukashi)....1
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi)..........1
Rear Push Down (Okuritaoshi)...............1
Pulling Under Arm Throw (Shitatedashinage).1
Under Arm Throw (Shitatenage)..............1
Frontal Thrust Down (Tsukitaoshi)..........1
Pulling Over Arm Throw (Uwatedashinage)....1

fusen (forfeit)............................1 


Match Time

Day 5--19 matches

Total Time: 4 minutes, 11.0 seconds  (251.0 s)        
Longest Match: 52.0 s  (Hidenoumi v Takarafuji(2))
Shortest Match: 1.7 s (Onosho(2) v Tochinoshin)       
Average (19 matches): 13.2  s 

Cumulative--94 matches 

Total Time: 17 minutes, 31.9 seconds (1051.9 s)
Longest Match: Day 2: 114.9 s (1 minute 54.9 s) (Ichinojo v Takarafuji)
Shortest Match: Day 4: 1.1 s (Shimanoumi v Tsurugisho)  
Average Time: 11.2 s 

Time (seconds)/Matches (Day 5)(cumulative)

0-4.9:       3(35)         
5-9.9:       7(29)
10-19.9:     7(16)
20-29.9:     1(10)
30-39.9:     0 (1)
50-59.9:     1 (2)
110-119.9:   0 (1)


Top Rank Wins
Maegashira v san'yaku
Juryo Substitute Results and Standings

Top Rank Wins

Day 5

Terunofuji (O2w) 5-0  

Takakeisho (O1w) 4-1,  Shodai (O2e) 4-1, Takayasu (S1e) 4-1,  Mitakeumi (K1e) 4-1

Asanoyama (O1e) 3-2,  Takanosho (S1w) 3-2, 

Daieisho (K1w) 2 (including 1 forfeit win)-3

Total: 29-11 (.725)

Maegashira v San'yaku

Day 5

Wakatakakage (M1e) 3-2
Meisei       (M2e) 1-4
Tobizaru     (M2w) 1-4
Myogiryu     (M4w) 0-1
Hokutofuji   (M1w) 0-4
Chiyonokuni  (M3w) 0-4 (including 1 forfeit)
Kiribayama   (M4e) 0-4 

Total: 5-23 (.179)

Juryo substitutes

Chiyonokuni (M3w) (0-4--1)dropped out of the Basho on Day 4 due to a knee injury

Day 5: Enho (J1e) (1-0; 1-4) defeated Akua (M17e)

Enho (J1e) (1-0); (1-4)

Total: 1-0 (1.000)



Day 5: May 13: (Sumo Reference)--includes Standings--see left side of the page

Day 5: (Japanese Sumo Association) (click on rikishi name for relevant data including percentage of each Kimarite (finishing) move used, rank and full results of last 5 tournaments, all on one page)

Day 5 Time of Each Match: ( (in Japanese,use Google Translate) Matches are in order from lowest rank to highest. 

Absent rikishi information (Japanese Sumo Association)

--- carries the most exhaustive coverage of Sumo that I have seen. It publishes multiple daily articles about the Basho.

All coverage is in Japanese and can be accessed from the Nikkansports Sumo Wrestling News Page. It can be easily (if not well) translated by Google Translate, which can be easily attached to your browser for seamless "translation." It is the next best thing to being able to read Japanese.
Google Translate (directly or in a separate window/tab)



Nikkan Sports Day 5 Photo Feature: Photos from all of the Makuuchi and one Juryo matches, along with selected quotes.


DAY 4--MAY 12, 2021

Video: Note: NHK videos will be available on demand until 2 weeks after the end of the Basho. After that, they will be removed from the site. They are usually available for on demand viewing about 1 day after the matches.

Day 4 Video highlights (replays of all 19 matches--NHK) (27:00) 



Wakatakakage (M1e) won his third consecutive match against a san'yaku opponent today, beating Takayasu (S1e) and handing him his first defeat. Wakatakakage is the only Maegashira (rank and filer) with a winning record against Top Rankers. He is 3-1 and no other Maegashira is better than 1-3. Top Rankers are dominating the rank and filers so far (19-5, including a forfeit win). That is a .792 winning percentage. Overall, Top Rankers are 23-9 (.719).  

Chiyonokuni (M3w) dropped out of the Basho today after re-injuring his knee in yesterday's action. 

Terunofuji (O2w) dominated Mitakeumi (K1e) in today's only all Top Rank match. The Ozeki is now the only undefeated Rikishi in the Basho at 4-0. According the the commentator, "...Terumofuji is fighting at almost Yokozuna level against the field." So today, Wakatakakage will get his sternest test yet. 


Partial or complete absences from this Basho


Y1e---Hakuho      (0-0-15)
M3e---Aioyama     (0-0-15)
M14e--Ryuden      (0-0-15)
M15w--Midorifuji  (0-0-15)
M3w---Chiyonokuni (0-4--1)

Condensed results (18 matches)

Key: Time of Match--s=seconds; Rank; Winner; Basho Record; Finishing Move;  Rank; Loser; Basho Record

Day 4 Condensed results

14.0s M15e Kaisei (2-2)       yorikiri       M14w Chiyotairyu (3-1)
20.3s M16e Ishiura (2-2)      shitatenage    M13e Akiseyama (1-3)
05.1s M13w Daiamami (2-2)     katasukashi    M17e Akua (1-3)
10.0s M16w Chiyomaru (3-1)    tsukiotoshi    M12e Kotoeko (2-2)
02.5s M11w Chiyoshoma (2-2)   uwatenage      M12w Okinoumi (3-1)
06.6s M11e Kotonowaka (2-2)   oshidashi      M10e Tamawashi (3-1)
09.0s M9w  Kagayaki (1-3)     tsukiotoshi    M10w Terutsuyoshi (1-3)
01.1s M9e  Shimanoumi (2-2)   tsukiotoshi    M8e  Tsurugisho (1-3)
07.0s M8w  Endo (3-1)         yorikiri       M7w  Takarafuji (2-2)
04.1s M6e  Hidenoumi (3-1)    yorikiri       M7e  Tochinoshin (1-3)

02.6s M6w  Ichinojo (3-1)     hatakikomi     M5w  Onosho (3-1)
21.5s M4e  Kiribayama (1-3)   uwatedashinage M5e  Hoshoryu (1-3)
----- K1w  Daieisho (2-2)     fusen          M3w  Chiyonokuni (0-4)
06.4s M1e  Wakatakakage (3-1) oshidashi      S1e  Takayasu (3-1)
26.0s S1w  Takanosho (3-1)    yorikiri       M4w  Myogiryu (0-4)
02.7s O2e  Shodai (3-1)       oshidashi      M2w  Tobizaru (1-3)
03.6s O1w  Takakeisho (3-1)   oshitaoshi     M2e  Meisei (1-3)
12.5s O1e  Asanoyama (2-2)    yorikiri       M1w  Hokutofuji (0-4)
05.9s O2w  Terunofuji (4-0)   yorikiri       K1e  Mitakeumi (3-1)


Finishing Moves (18 matches--75 matches) Note: finishing move links below link to short NHK videos demonstrating the technique.

Key: Today---Cumulative

Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)...............6--18
Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)...............3--17
Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi)..................3---6
Slap Down (Hatakikomi).....................1---4
Under Shoulder Swing Down (Katasukashi)....1---1
Frontal Push Down (Oshitaoshi).............1---4
Under Arm Throw (Shitatenage)..............1---1
Pulling Over Arm Throw (Uwatedashinage)....1---1
Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage).................1---3

fusen (forfeit)............................1---1 

Out 9(46), Down 9(29)   
Frontal 10(45), Rear 0(6) 
Force 6(19), Push 4(27), Throw 3(9), Thrust 3(9), 
Slap 1(4), Swing 1(1), Crush 0(3), Pick 0(1), Pull 0(2) 

Under 2(3), Over 2(4)  
Arm 3(10), Shoulder 1(1) Hand 0(2), Leg (0)1 

Totals for Basho--None Today; Total

Rear Push Out (Okuridashi).................5
Arm Lock Throw (Kotenage)..................3
Frontal Crush Out (Yoritaoshi).............3
Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)............2
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)................2
Leg Pick (Ashitori)........................1
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi)..........1
Rear Push Down (Okuritaoshi)...............1
Pulling Under Arm Throw (Shitatedashinage).1
Frontal Thrust Down (Tsukitaoshi)..........1


Match Time

Day 4--18 matches

Total Time: 2 minutes, 40.9 seconds  (160.9 s)        
Longest Match: 26.0 s  (Takanosho v Myogiryu)
Shortest Match: 1.1 s (Shimanoumi v Tsurugisho)       
Average (18 matches): 8.9  s 

Cumulative--75 matches 

Total Time: 13 minutes, 20.9 seconds (800.9 s)
Longest Match: Day 2: 114.9 s (1 minute 54.9 s) (Ichinojo v Takarafuji)
Shortest Match: Day 4: 1.1 s (Shimanoumi v Tsurugisho)  
Average Time: 10.7 s 

Time (seconds)/Matches (Day 4)(cumulative)

0-4.9:       6(32)         
5-9.9:       6(22)
10-19.9:     3 (9)
20-29.9:     3 (9)
30-39.9:     0 (1)
50-59.9:     0 (1)
110-119.9:   0 (1)


Top Rank Wins
Maegashira v san'yaku
Juryo Substitute Results and Standings

Top Rank Wins

Day 4

Terunofuji (O2w) 4-0  

Takakeisho (O1w) 3-1,  Shodai (O2e) 3-1, Takayasu (S1e) 3-1, Takanosho (S1w) 3-1, Mitakeumi (K1e) 3-1

Asanoyama (O1e) 2-2,   Daieisho (K1w) 2 (including 1 forfeit win)-2

Total: 23-9 (.719)

Maegashira v San'yaku

Day 4

Wakatakakage (M1e) 3-1
Meisei       (M2e) 1-3
Tobizaru     (M2w) 1-3
Myogiryu     (M4w) 0-1   
Kiribayama   (M4e) 0-3
Hokutofuji   (M1w) 0-4
Chiyonokuni  (M3w) 0-4 (including 1 forfeit)

Total: 5-19 (.208)

Juryo substitutes

There were no Juryo substitutes today.


Day 4: May 12: (Sumo Reference)--includes Standings--see left side of the page

Day 4: (Japanese Sumo Association) (click on rikishi name for relevant data including percentage of each Kimarite (finishing) move used, rank and full results of last 5 tournaments, all on one page)

Day 4 Time of Each Match: ( (in Japanese,use Google Translate) Matches are in order from lowest rank to highest. 

Absent rikishi information (Japanese Sumo Association)

--- carries the most exhaustive coverage of Sumo that I have seen. It publishes multiple daily articles about the Basho.

All coverage is in Japanese and can be accessed from the Nikkansports Sumo Wrestling News Page. It can be easily (if not well) translated by Google Translate, which can be easily attached to your browser for seamless "translation." It is the next best thing to being able to read Japanese.
Google Translate (directly or in a separate window/tab)



Nikkan Sports Day 4 Photo Feature  (ADDED MAY 13, 2021)


DAY 3--MAY 11, 2021

Video: Note: NHK videos will be available on demand until 2 weeks after the end of the Basho. After that, they will be removed from the site. They are usually available for on demand viewing about 1 day after the matches.

Day 3 Video highlights (replays of all 19 matches--NHK) (27:00) 



Today 3 Ozeki got back on the winning track. But the story of the day was Wakatakakage (M1e), who defeated an Ozeki for the 2nd consecutive day. After beating Shodai (O2e) yesterday, he defeated Asanoyama (O1e) in an epic, almost minute long battle today. At 2-1 (he was defeated by Takakeisho [O1w] on Day 1), Wakatakakage is off to a fast start. In the January Basho, Daieisho (rank and filer at the time, but K1w now) built the foundation of his Yusho (tournament win) by beating seven Top Rankers in a row. It will be interesting to watch Wakatakakage's progress.


"My body reacted naturally, so I just moved that way." 

"I'll just take things day by day, and if it works out, so be it."

According to Kyodo News:

"Following his win over Takakeisho, Mitakeumi stayed perfect at 3-0 by easily pushing out No. 3 Chiyonokuni (0-3), who appeared to be laboring with an injury as he walked gingerly from the ring." 


Partial or complete absences from this Basho


Y1e---Hakuho      (0-0-15)
M3e---Aioyama     (0-0-15)
M14e--Ryuden      (0-0-15)
M15w--Midorifuji  (0-0-15)

Condensed results (19 matches)

Key: Time of Match--s=seconds; Rank; Winner; Basho Record; Finishing Move;  Rank; Loser; Basho Record

Day 3 Condensed results

25.9s M17e Akua (1-2)         oshidashi   M16e Ishiura (1-2)
02.9s M16w Chiyomaru (2-1)    okuritaoshi M15e Kaisei (1-2)
06.0s M14w Chiyotairyu (3-0)  yorikiri    M13e Akiseyama (1-2)
23.7s M12w Okinoumi (3-0)     yorikiri    M13w Daiamami (1-2)
01.9s M11e Kotonowaka (1-2)   kotenage    M11w Chiyoshoma (1-2)
04.0s M12e Kotoeko (2-1)      hatakikomi  M10w Terutsuyoshi (1-2)
10.7s M9e  Shimanoumi (1-2)   tsukiotoshi M9w  Kagayaki (0-3)
09.5s M10e Tamawashi (3-0)    kotenage    M8w  Endo (2-1)
06.2s M7w  Takarafuji (2-1)   oshidashi   M7e  Tochinoshin (1-2)
02.9s M8e  Tsurugisho (1-2)   yorikiri    M6w  Ichinojo (2-1)

04.7s M5w  Onosho (3-0)       yorikiri    M5e  Hoshoryu (1-2)
25.3s M6e  Hidenoumi (2-1)    yoritaoshi  M4w  Myogiryu (0-3)
03.5s K1e  Mitakeumi (3-0)    oshidashi   M3w  Chiyonokuni (0-3)
06.4s S1w  Takanosho (2-1)    oshitaoshi  M4e  Kiribayama (0-3)
03.9s S1e  Takayasu (3-0)     oshitaoshi  M2e  Meisei (1-2)
09.3s O1w  Takakeisho (2-1)   oshidashi   M1w  Hokutofuji (0-3)
59.7s M1e  Wakatakakage (2-1) yoritaoshi  O1e  Asanoyama (1-2)
02.5s O2w  Terunofuji (3-0)   uwatenage   M2w  Tobizaru (1-2)10.8
10.8s O2e  Shodai (2-1)       tsukiotoshi K1w  Daieisho (1-2)


Finishing Moves (19 matches--57 matches) Note: finishing move links below link to short NHK videos demonstrating the technique.

Key: Today---Cumulative

Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)...............4--14
Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)...............4--12
Arm Lock Throw (Kotenage)..................2---3
Frontal Push Down (Oshitaoshi).............2---3
Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi)..................2---3
Frontal Crush Out (Yoritaoshi).............2---3
Slap Down (Hatakikomi).....................1---3
Rear Push Down (Okuritaoshi)...............1---1
Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage).................1---2

Out 10(37), Down 9(20)   
Frontal 12(35), Rear 1(6) 
Push 7(23), Force 4(13), Throw 3(6), Crush 2(3), Thrust 2(6), Slap 1(3)Pick 0(1), Pull 0(2) 

Under 0(1), Over 1(2)  
Arm 3(7), Hand 0(2), Leg (0)1 

Totals for Basho--None Today

Rear Push Out (Okuridashi).................5
Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)............2
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)................2
Leg Pick (Ashitori)........................1
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi)..........1
Pulling Under Arm Throw (Shitatedashinage).1
Frontal Thrust Down (Tsukitaoshi)..........1


Match Time

Day 3--19 matches

Total Time: 3 minutes, 39.8 seconds  (219.8 s)        
Longest Match: 59.7 s  (Wakatakakage v Asanoyama)
Shortest Match: 1.9 s (Kotonowaka(2) v Chiyoshoma)       
Average (19 matches): 11.6  s 

Cumulative--57 matches 

Total Time: 10 minutes, 40.0 seconds (640 s)
Longest Match: Day 2: 114.9 s (1 minute 54.9 s) (Ichinojo v Takarafuji)
Shortest Match: Day 1: 1.4 s (Terutsuyoshi v Kotonowaka)
Average Time: 11.2 s 

Time (seconds)/Matches (Day 3)(cumulative)

0-4.9:       8(26)         
5-9.9:       5(16)
10-19.9:     2 (6)
20-29.9:     3 (6)
30-39.9:     0 (1)
50-59.9:     1 (1)
110-119.9:   0 (1) 


Top Rank Wins--
Maegashira v san'yaku Standings
Juryo Substitute Results and Standings

Top Rank Wins

Day 3

Terunofuji (O2w) 3-0,  Takayasu (S1e) 3-0,   Mitakeumi (K1e) 3-0

Takakeisho (O1w) 2-1,  Shodai (O2e) 2-1, Takanosho (S1w) 2-1

Asanoyama (O1e) 1-2 Daieisho (K1w) 1-2

Total: 17-7 (.708)

Maegashira v san'yaku

Day 3

Wakatakakage (M1e) 2-1
Meisei       (M2e) 1-2
Tobizaru     (M2w) 1-2
Hokutofuji   (M1w) 0-3
Chiyonokuni  (M3w) 0-3
Kiribayama   (M4e) 0-3 

Total: 4-14 (.222)

Juryo substitutes

There were no Juryo substitutes today.


Day 3: May 11: (Sumo Reference)--includes Standings--see left side of the page

Day 3: (Japanese Sumo Association) (click on rikishi name for relevant data including percentage of each Kimarite (finishing) move used, rank and full results of last 5 tournaments, all on one page)

Day 3 Time of Each Match: ( (in Japanese,use Google Translate) Matches are in order from lowest rank to highest. 

Absent rikishi information (Japanese Sumo Association)

--- carries the most exhaustive coverage of Sumo that I have seen. It publishes multiple daily articles about the Basho.

All coverage is in Japanese and can be accessed from the Nikkansports Sumo Wrestling News Page. It can be easily (if not well) translated by Google Translate, which can be easily attached to your browser for seamless "translation." It is the next best thing to being able to read Japanese.
Google Translate (directly or in a separate window/tab)



Nikkan Sports Day 3 Photo Feature: Photos from 2 Juryo and all 19 Makuuchi matches. In Japanese (Google Translate) Today's photos show all Makuuchi matches. Some are accompanied by quotes from the rikishi. 

Photo of the Day--Wakatakakage, nose bloodied but victorious over Asanoyama (Nikkan Sports)


DAY 2--MAY 10, 2021

Video: Note: NHK videos will be available on demand until 2 weeks after the end of the Basho. After that, they will be removed from the site. They are usually available for on demand viewing about 1 day after the matches.

Day 2 Video highlights (replays of all 19 matches--NHK) (27:00)  



Three of the four Ozeki were defeated today. Only Terunofuji (O2w) won. Whether this portends anything about a "wide open" Basho remains to be seen. Today, rank and filers held their own against san'yaku men, winning 3 of 6. And Takarafuji (M7w) fought (and lost) his first marathon bout of this Basho. One minute, 54.9 seconds. It was about 8 seconds shorter than all of yesterday's matches combined. 

Day 2 Quotes:

"I feel good beating an Ozeki. I kept my head up and was able to move forward. I want to make sure that I keep my mind focused."
Mitakeumi (K1e) on his victory over Takakeisho (O1w)

"The wound on the face is a medal." 
Mitakeumi on his battle scar after his victory.

"I'll just concentrate and do my best tomorrow"
Takakeisho (O1w)

"I was able to respond well. It was mostly a spontaneous reaction,"
Meisei (M2e) on his counter attack and win over Asanoyama (O1e)

"I feel like my body is moving well. I'll do my best to keep showing my style of sumo," 
Wakatakakage (M1e) on his victory over Shodai (O2e)


Partial or complete absences from this Basho


Y1e---Hakuho     (0-0-15)
M3e---Aioyama    (0-0-15)
M14e--Ryuden     (0-0-15)
M15w--Midorifuji (0-0-15)

Condensed results (19 matches)

Key: Time of Match--s=seconds; Rank; Winner; Basho Record; Finishing Move;  Rank; Loser; Basho Record

Day 2 Condensed results

03.7s  M16e Ishiura (1-1)      okuridashi       M16w Chiyomaru (1-1)
03.3s  M14w Chiyotairyu (2-0)  hatakikomi       M17e Akua (0-2)
02.7s  M13w Daiamami (1-1)     okuridashi       M15e Kaisei (1-1)
20.9s  M13e Akiseyama (1-1)    yorikiri         M12e Kotoeko (1-1)
04.1s  M12w Okinoumi (2-0)     uwatenage        M11e Kotonowaka (0-2)
03.7s  M11w Chiyoshoma (1-1)   oshidashi        M10w Terutsuyoshi (1-1)
02.9s  M10e Tamawashi (2-0)    oshidashi        M9e  Shimanoumi (0-2)
03.6s  M8w  Endo (2-0)         hatakikomi       M9w  Kagayaki (0-2)
34.0s  M7e  Tochinoshin (1-1)  yorikiri         M8e  Tsurugisho (0-2)
114.9s M6w  Ichinojo (2-0)     shitatedashinage M7w  Takarafuji (1-1)

05.5s  M6e  Hidenoumi (1-1)    oshidashi        M5e  Hoshoryu (1-1)
02.2s  M5w  Onosho (2-0)       hikiotoshi       M4w  Myogiryu (0-2)
21.3s  K1w  Daieisho (1-1)     yoritaoshi       M4e  Kiribayama (0-2)
22.5s  S1e  Takayasu (2-0)     tsukitaoshi      M3w  Chiyonokuni (0-2
08.8s  M2w  Tobizaru (1-1)     oshidashi        S1w  Takanosho (1-1)
04.2s  M2e  Meisei (1-1)       oshidashi        O1e  Asanoyama (1-1)
13.4s  O2w  Terunofuji (2-0)   okuridashi       M1w  Hokutofuji (0-2)
09.7s  M1e  Wakatakakage (1-1) yorikiri         O2e  Shodai (1-1)
16.2s  K1e  Mitakeumi (2-0)    oshitaoshi       O1w  Takakeisho (1-1)


Finishing Moves (19 matches) Note: finishing move links below link to short NHK videos demonstrating the technique.

Key: Today---Cumulative

Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)...............5--10
Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)...............3---8
Rear Push Out (Okuridashi).................3---5
Slap Down (Hatakikomi).....................2---2
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)................1---2
Frontal Push Down (Oshitaoshi).............1---1
Pulling Under Arm Throw (Shitatedashinage).1---1
Frontal Thrust Down (Tsukitaoshi)..........1---1
Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage).................1---1
Frontal Crush Out (Yoritaoshi).............1---1

Out 12(27), Down 7(11)   
Frontal 11(23), Rear 3(5) 
Push 9(16), Force 3(9), Slap 2(2) Throw 2(3), Crush 1(1), Pick 0(1),Pull 1(2)Thrust 1(4)

Under 1(1), Over 1(1)  
Arm 2(4), Hand 1(2), Leg 0(1)  

Totals for Basho--None Today

Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)............2
Leg Pick (Ashitori)........................1
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi)..........1
Arm Lock Throw (Kotenage)..................1
Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi)..................1


Match Time

Day 2

Total Time: 4 minutes, 57.6 seconds  (297.6 s)        
Longest Match: 114.9 s (1 minute 54.9 s) (Ichinojo(2) v Takarafuji)
Shortest Match: 2.2 s (Onosho v Myogiryu)       
Average (19 matches): 15.7  


Total Time: 7 minutes, 0.2 seconds (420.2 s)
Longest Match: Day 2: 114.9 s (1 minute 54.9 s) (Ichinojo v Takarafuji)
Shortest Match: Day 1: 1.4 s (Terutsuyoshi v Kotonowaka)
Average Time: 11.1 s 

Time (seconds)/Matches (Day 2)(cumulative)

0-4.9:       9(18)  
5-9.9:       3(11)
10-19.9:     2 (4)
20-29.9:     3 (3)
30-39.9:     1 (1)
110-119.9:   1 (1) 


Top Rank Wins
Maegashira v san'yaku Standings
Juryo Substitute  Standings

Top Rank Wins

Day 2

Terunofuji (O2w) 2-0, Takayasu (S1e) 2-0,  Mitakeumi (K1e) 2-0

Asanoyama (O1e) 1-1,  Takakeisho (O1w) 1-1,  Shodai (O2e) 1-1,  Takanosho (S1w) 1-1, Daieisho (K1w) 1-1

Maegashira v san'yaku

Day 2

Wakatakakage (M1e) 1-1
Meisei       (M2e) 1-1
Tobizaru     (M2w) 1-1
Hokutofuji   (M1w) 0-2
Chiyonokuni  (M3w) 0-2
Kiribayama   (M4e) 0-2 

Total: 3-9 (.250)

Juryo substitutes

There were no Juryo substitutes today.

Total: 11-5 (.687)   There was an error in the Day 2 Top Rank numbers. Takanosho was accidentally counted twice. The error has been corrected (May 11, 2021)

Day 2: May 10: (Sumo Reference)--includes Standings--see left side of the page

Day 2: (Japanese Sumo Association) (click on rikishi name for relevant data including percentage of each Kimarite (finishing) move used, rank and full results of last 5 tournaments, all on one page)

Day 2 Time of Each Match: ( (in Japanese,use Google Translate) Matches are in order from lowest rank to highest. 

Absent rikishi information (Japanese Sumo Association)

--- carries the most exhaustive coverage of Sumo that I have seen. It publishes multiple daily articles about the Basho.

All coverage is in Japanese and can be accessed from the Nikkansports Sumo Wrestling News Page. It can be easily (if not well) translated by Google Translate, which can be easily attached to your browser for seamless "translation." It is the next best thing to being able to read Japanese.
Google Translate (directly or in a separate window/tab)



Nikkan Sports Day 2 Photo Feature: Photos from selected matches. In Japanese (Google Translate) Today's photos show all Makuuchi matches. Some are accompanied by quotes from the rikishi. There are also photos of Enho's (J1e) loss to Ura (J2w). Enho appears to have injured his arm.


DAY 1--MAY 9, 2021

Video: Note: NHK videos will be available on demand until 2 weeks after the end of the Basho. After that, they will be removed from the site. They are usually available for on demand viewing about 1 day after the matches.

Day 1 Video highlights (replays of all 21 matches--NHK) (27:00) 

Grand Sumo Live (Opening Day) (53:00): Live coverage of the last 9 matches of the day. (Forthcoming)

Chris Sumo Youtube. There are no spectators allowed at the venue until Day 4. But that didn't stop Chris Sumo from making a video today.



The Natsu (Summer) Basho got off to a quiet start, as no spectators were allowed in. Supposedly, there will be spectators from Day 4 on, but with Tokyo declared in a state of emergency due to the Pandemic, it will be interesting to see what happens.

All san'yaku (top rankers) won except for Diaisho (K1w), who lost to Asanoyama (O1e). Maegashira (rank and filers) v san'yaku was all one way traffic today, with the top rankers winning all 6 matches. 

Four rikishi have withdrawn before the Basho began (see below),leaving only 38 rikishi and 19 matches per day. 


Partial or complete absences from this Basho


Y1e---Hakuho     (0-0-15)
M3e---Aioyama    (0-0-15)
M14e--Ryuden     (0-0-15)
M15w--Midorifuji (0-0-15)

Condensed results (19 matches)

Key: Time of Match--s=seconds; Rank; Winner; Basho Record; Finishing Move;  Rank; Loser; Basho Record

Day 1 Condensed results

01.6s M16w Chiyomaru (1-0)    hikiotoshi  M17e Akua (0-1)
03.9s M15e Kaisei (1-0)       yorikiri    M16e Ishiura (0-1)
02.0s M14w Chiyotairyu (1-0)  tsukidashi  M13w Daiamami (0-1)
08.1s M12w Okinoumi (1-0)     yorikiri    M13e Akiseyama (0-1)
06.7s M12e Kotoeko (1-0)      kotenage    M11w Chiyoshoma (0-1)
01.4s M10w Terutsuyoshi (1-0) ashitori    M11e Kotonowaka (0-1)
07.6s M10e Tamawashi (1-0)    oshidashi   M9w  Kagayaki (0-1)
07.6s M8w  Endo (1-0)         okuridashi  M9e  Shimanoumi (0-1)
04.9s M7w  Takarafuji (1-0)   yorikiri    M8e  Tsurugisho (0-1)
16.8s M6w  Ichinojo (1-0)     yorikiri    M7e  Tochinoshin (0-1)

04.0s M5w  Onosho (1-0)       oshidashi   M6e  Hidenoumi (0-1)
07.4s M5e  Hoshoryu (1-0)     yorikiri    M4w  Myogiryu (0-1)
15.9s K1e  Mitakeumi (1-0)    oshidashi   M4e  Kiribayama (0-1)
04.5s S1w  Takanosho (1-0)    oshidashi   M3w  Chiyonokuni (0-1)
08.1s S1e  Takayasu (1-0)     tsukidashi  M2w  Tobizaru (0-1)
09.6s O2w  Terunofuji (1-0)   kimedashi   M2e  Meisei (0-1)
06.7s O2e  Shodai (1-0)       tsukiotoshi M1w  Hokutofuji (0-1)
02.8s O1w  Takakeisho (1-0)   oshidashi   M1e  Wakatakakage (0-1)
03.0s O1e  Asanoyama (1-0)    okuridashi  K1w  Daieisho (0-1)

Source: Sumo Reference (text results) and length of bouts data (see result sources below)


Finishing Moves (19 matches) Note: finishing move links below link to short NHK videos demonstrating the technique.

Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)..............5
Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)..............5
Rear Push Out (Okuridashi)................2
Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)...........2
Leg Pick (Ashitori).......................1
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)...............1
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi).........1
Arm Lock Throw (Kotenage).................1
Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi).................1

Out 15, Down 4  
Frontal 12, Rear 2 
Push 7, Pull 1, Force 6, Pick 1, Throw 1, Thrust 3  
Under 0, Over 0  
Arm 2, Hand 1, Leg 1 


Match Time

Day 1

Total Time: 2 minutes, 2.6 seconds (122.6 s)         
Longest Match: 16.8 s (Ichinojo v Tochinoshin)
Shortest Match: 1.4 s (Terutsuyoshi v Kotonowaka)      
Average (19 matches): 6.5 s  

Time/Matches (Day 1)

0-4.9 seconds:   9  
5-9.9 seconds:   8    
10-19.9 seconds: 2 


Top Rank Wins
Maegashira v san'yaku Standings
Juryo Substitute Standings

Top Rank Wins

Asanoyama (O1e) 1-0, Takakeisho (O1w) 1-0, Shodai (O2e) 1-0, Terunofuji (O2w) 1-0, Takayasu (S1e) 1-0,  Takanosho (S1w) 1-0, Mitakeumi (K1e) 1-0

Daieisho (K1w (0-1)

Total: 7-1 (.875)

Maegashira v san'yaku

Day 1

Wakatakakage (M1e) 0-1
Hokutofuji   (M1w) 0-1
Meisei       (M2e) 0-1
Tobizaru     (M2w) 0-1
Chiyonokuni  (M3w) 0-1
Kiribayama   (M4e) 0-1 

Total: 0-6 (.000)

Juryo substitutes

There were no Juryo substitutes today.



Day 1: May 9: (Sumo Reference)--includes Standings--see left side of the page

Day 1: (Japanese Sumo Association) (click on rikishi name for relevant data including percentage of each Kimarite (finishing) move used, rank and full results of last 5 tournaments, all on one page)

Day 1 Time of Each Match: ( (in Japanese,use Google Translate) Matches are in order from lowest rank to highest. 

Absent rikishi information (Japanese Sumo Association)

--- carries the most exhaustive coverage of Sumo that I have seen. It publishes multiple daily articles about the Basho.

All coverage is in Japanese and can be accessed from the Nikkansports Sumo Wrestling News Page. It can be easily (if not well) translated by Google Translate, which can be easily attached to your browser for seamless "translation." It is the next best thing to being able to read Japanese.
Google Translate (directly or in a separate window/tab)



Nikkan Sports Day 1 Photo Feature: Photos from selected matches. In Japanese (Google Translate) Today's photos showMakuuchi matches. Some are accompanied by quotes from the rikishi